Do any of you think this will be going to a wait list soon?
Did HT delete that photo from Facebook? I don't see it?
Yes, they deleted it.
Watch them repost the picture but say it is for a deluxe version with new mms number and be priced $50 higher than the current mysterio.
Watch them repost the picture but say it is for a deluxe version with new mms number and be priced $50 higher than the current mysterio.
Care more about them fixing that fishbowl seam tbh.
The headsculpt shouldn't be considered an extra - it should be included. He spent a very large part of the film without the dome.
This isn't an either/or, nor should people who don't care to have the JG head be bothered by them potentially including one, as they can chose not to use it. But the option not being there for those who want it, means they don't get that same choice.
I wasn't shaming nor am I bothered by anyone wanting the head to be included (to each his own). I was just stating my view on the topic at hand and that is what makes these boards what they are, plus I really would like to see a Hot Toys "Puppet Master" version of Mysterio. That version was a very BIG part of the movie's plot too.
Poor? That means there is any. I would say their relation towards customers is nonexistent. At least from my point of view. Yet business is running, growing, making tons of money. Hats down.