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Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

It would be $300 and people would _____ about the price and nickpick the inaccuracies it will have.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

Irish is correct in his earlier explanation that it's Hasbro's license which is leased to Sideshow.

Hasbro already does the same thing with G.I. Joe. Only difference is they own the characters and have final approval instead of LFL.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

I can't see them doing anything to improve armored figures like Vader and Stormies seeing as how they already collaborated with SS on these ...

Oh, I'm sure they would do much better Stormtrooper and even Vader figures.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

SW and HT fans together. The chaos, the whinning and complaining. Isn't that like the perfect storm or crossing blaster streams or something. :panic:
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

Yup. The fans would have to fix the HT Vader. They would have to remove the hard plastic tabs from his ****s, pad the arms, mod the arms to give more articulation, swap the Hasbro helmet and parts from Sideshow and Medi to make it better. Fix the wiring since HT made it to frail and the costume will leak.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

Calling BS on this. Using Iron Man as an example just proves our point. From IM 1: No Rhodes, no Obadiah, no Pepper Pots, no Iron Monger aka THE MAIN BADDIE! Yet, MK1, MKII and MKIII - 3 variants of the same character (I'll give you Stark since they provided a head and did a suit pack). Same thing with their second biggest license, Batman. From Begins: No Bruce Wayne, no Gordon, no Fox, no Scarecrow aka THE MAIN BADDIE! From Dark Knight: Still no Bruce (head doesn't count), still no Gordon, still no Fox. And yet, we get no less than 3 Batman variants and 3 Joker variants. I'm actually surprised they even made Two Face. But that's only the 3rd Character in two films.

Well, as far as we know, they aren't done with the Iron Man line yet, right? I wouldn't expect to see an Obadiah or Pepper, but Iron Monger is a strong possibility, though the figure would be huge! As far as variants go, MK1 is massively different than any of the others, so I don't think that it counts as a variant. As for Batman, Scarecrow would be cool, but I think I would rather see the Liam Neeson character (Raas al ghul?) made. They dont seem to like to make characters that are not very flashy, I mean, how boring would an Alfred figure be? or Fox? or Gordon? In the end, HT will do what they think will earn them the most money, and my guess is that their research into these other characters has shown that there is not enough nterest to support a high end, espensive figure. Something that may not be true of Star Wars.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

Well, as far as we know, they aren't done with the Iron Man line yet, right? I wouldn't expect to see an Obadiah or Pepper, but Iron Monger is a strong possibility, though the figure would be huge! As far as variants go, MK1 is massively different than any of the others, so I don't think that it counts as a variant. As for Batman, Scarecrow would be cool, but I think I would rather see the Liam Neeson character (Raas al ghul?) made. They dont seem to like to make characters that are not very flashy, I mean, how boring would an Alfred figure be? or Fox? or Gordon? In the end, HT will do what they think will earn them the most money, and my guess is that their research into these other characters has shown that there is not enough nterest to support a high end, espensive figure. Something that may not be true of Star Wars.

So you're further proving my point. HT would produce a bunch of Lukes and Hans. Look at Luke. There are so many looks you could go with from ANH to ROTJ. In the end, it's still one ____ing dude. When I look at what Sideshow did with the Bond line, it's the characters like Q that really make it shine. He's also the most valuable from that line so that should tell you something about those "boring" figures. Variety > Variants any day of the week and twice on Sundays. And I wouldn't bank on HT doing much research. They find a moneymaker and exploit it.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

So you're further proving my point. HT would produce a bunch of Lukes and Hans. Look at Luke. There are so many looks you could go with from ANH to ROTJ. In the end, it's still one ____ing dude. When I look at what Sideshow did with the Bond line, it's the characters like Q that really make it shine. He's also the most valuable from that line so that should tell you something about those "boring" figures. Variety > Variants any day of the week and twice on Sundays. And I wouldn't bank on HT doing much research. They find a moneymaker and exploit it.

Well, thats why i would keep the Sideshows I currently have and just pick up the figures HT does make. I am willing to bet with HT (if they had the line) that we would see Luke, Han, Chewie, Vader, Boba Fett, Leia, Stormtroopers, R2 and C-3PO. Do I need Hot Toys to make me 5 Ewoks? no. Do I need an entire Cantina of Aliens from HT? Couldn't afford it. It's really only the iconic figures I would want, in the meantime, I will purchase Sideshow to fill out the ranks.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

Well, thats why i would keep the Sideshows I currently have and just pick up the figures HT does make. I am willing to bet with HT (if they had the line) that we would see Luke, Han, Chewie, Vader, Boba Fett, Leia, Stormtroopers, R2 and C-3PO. Do I need Hot Toys to make me 5 Ewoks? no. Do I need an entire Cantina of Aliens from HT? Couldn't afford it. It's really only the iconic figures I would want, in the meantime, I will purchase Sideshow to fill out the ranks.

The problem is, you listed key characters in your "want" list. HT has never supplied every key character in any of their licenses before moving on to the next.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

The problem is, you listed key characters in your "want" list. HT has never supplied every key character in any of their licenses before moving on to the next.

Given that this is all hypothetical, and your arguement is warranted, only time will tell.

If it were a cash cow for them, I doubt they would just sit idly by, not taking advantage of the market. But maybe I am wrong, would be a silly way to run a company though.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

Given that this is all hypothetical, and your arguement is warranted, only time will tell.

If it were a cash cow for them, I doubt they would just sit idly by, not taking advantage of the market. But maybe I am wrong, would be a silly way to run a company though.

They're doing that exact thing with the Predators, Batman, Iron Man, etc., and it's worked for them so far. Likely, they'd do exactly what Sideshow's doing but without the oddball and 2nd tier characters. They'd probably make 3-4 original figures and then release some clone variant every 6 months. And if that would be the case, I doubt they'd be any better than the ones Sideshow's giving us now, but double the price. :lol
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

just let HT's do the head sculpts and then everything would be fine.

Other than lacking skin texturing, Sideshow has sculptors that could go toe to toe with any HT sculptor. The key differeces between Sideshow's best portraits and Hot Toys' are the texture and paint apps. If you took HT's best as a raw sculpt with no texturing to it against one of Sideshow's best, they'd be pretty dead even in terms of capturing the likeness. The trouble is, sculpt alone isn't enough and what sets HT's portraits out from other makes is paint apps that boost the sculpt likeness.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

What?? The head sculpt quality is the best attribute of Sideshow 1/6. It is the tailoring, clothing material, bodies, hand sculpts, and of course paint that are all features well below standard.

I think you pop up and post stuff like this just to see if anyone will respond to the ignorance of the statement. SS aspects in all of those are quite good now (check out the GI Joe figs as a great example). Its kind of like you bumped your head and missed the last several months.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

Other than lacking skin texturing, Sideshow has sculptors that could go toe to toe with any HT sculptor. The key differeces between Sideshow's best portraits and Hot Toys' are the texture and paint apps. If you took HT's best as a raw sculpt with no texturing to it against one of Sideshow's best, they'd be pretty dead even in terms of capturing the likeness. The trouble is, sculpt alone isn't enough and what sets HT's portraits out from other makes is paint apps that boost the sculpt likeness.

I won't comment on sculpt / paint etc. because I have zero knowledge beyond appearance. That said, night and day difference between HT and SS human figures. IF SS ever reached HT level or HT got the license woo hoo :thud:
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

Well, as far as we know, they aren't done with the Iron Man line yet, right? I wouldn't expect to see an Obadiah or Pepper, but Iron Monger is a strong possibility, though the figure would be huge! As far as variants go, MK1 is massively different than any of the others, so I don't think that it counts as a variant. As for Batman, Scarecrow would be cool, but I think I would rather see the Liam Neeson character (Raas al ghul?) made. They dont seem to like to make characters that are not very flashy, I mean, how boring would an Alfred figure be? or Fox? or Gordon? In the end, HT will do what they think will earn them the most money, and my guess is that their research into these other characters has shown that there is not enough nterest to support a high end, espensive figure. Something that may not be true of Star Wars.

Can't believe you just called Gordon boring.

He's actually been confirmed as getting a release when the 3rd Nolan film hits.

but that aside, Nam's right. HT would give us 3-6 versions of Luke, 2-3 Hans, Chewie, and likely call it a day.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

HT would give us 3-6 versions of Luke, 2-3 Hans, Chewie, and likely call it a day.

Bull____! This is SW, they're not retarded. They know the $ involved in such a license. No we wouldn't get all the dumb characters SS is doing but i bet most would be fine with that.

We would get all the above mentioned. Plus a well done Leia that don't look like a Hasbro kids toy. Obi and Vader. And probably some PT figs as well. And like i said, i think most would be fine with that. To think HT would pull their usual way with a license that they've stated would be their most wanted to do, and knowing the $ potential is stupid. And the ones that keep saying that's what would happen are making excuses for their beloved SS IMO. There's just no way HT is gonna cut and run with such a license. STAR WARS!

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Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

Can't believe you just called Gordon boring.

I wouldn't want characters like Gordon, Alfred, Pepper etc. either. Great in the film in terms of a 1:6 scale figure, I agree is boring.

Regarding SW, I wouldn't want obscure characters, I want the main crew. Luke, Han, Leia, Kenobi, Vader maybe Chewie and the droids call it a day.

SS can continue making troopers, aliens etc which they do a decent enough job. I want HT quality human sculpts /paint which SS does lack.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

Not to fan the fires of his idea any longer but HT would definitely treat this line like the cash cow it is. I would look for it to have more of the Predator treatment than the TDK or Iron Man treatment. They just like everyone else know that its a license to print money. Remember when SSC got the Star Wars license and people were clammering that they'd never be successful because who would pay twice the price of a Hasbro especially towards the end of their line, blah blah blah? It'd be the same situation. They wouldn't go as deep as either Hasbro or SSC but I guarantee you that you'd get the major guns of the PT and OT done. Not to mention the clone variant are right up the show exclusives that HT routinely does.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever get the SW license?

ok ok ok ok. reality check. how many of you collectors would actually BUY 10+ Star Wars figures a year at $160? Seriously. HT knows nobody would, and thats why they wouldn't milk the license like SSC does.

I like quality, but I like quantity too. Even if HT broadened the line, they would max 5 or so figures a year. That doesn't cut it for SW, it just doesn't. SW is so much deeper than any license in the history of licenses.
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