Super Freak
Wow...Jedis are jerks. :/
Yeah, they clearly just wanted Luke's autograph and were rushing over so he could sign their rifles
Wow...Jedis are jerks. :/
I had a Medicom Stormy and I don't plan on owning a fleet so I only got the single version, here are some shots I took:
HT Stormtrooper and Medicom Stormtrooper
View attachment 165462
Some people think Stormtrooper is an "easy" figure to make, but the amount of details that HT paid attention to on this figure is AMAZING! Like the difference in numbers of the "holes" on each forearm, the little circle "mark" on the left bicep armor, etc. The overall proportion is the most screen-accurate amongst any Stormtrooper figure, and the finish on the armor looks so rich, it's not just glossy plastics (like on the Medicom one). To me it is the perfect Stormtrooper figure. The Medicom one, consider its age (the body and undersuit has been replaced), is not bad actually, a bit skinny but still looks good, i'm still happy with it and he could be the "short" one of the pair~
I just checked Sideshow's site and they don't expect these until August. That's odd
Not odd. Apparently this 'load' is a small release for HK, while the US release is later and larger.
Wow, standing next to the HT really does show how skinny the Medicom Stormtrooper is and how much more detailed the HT is!
It's still a nice figure but proportions, detail and paint are just inferior.
The more pics you guys post, the more excited I get for this release. Going to be long wait for my set now.![]()
Thanks for the video review. Did you notice if the eye lenses have a green tint to them?
I was hoping that I would be satisfied with my custom Marmit, but seeing all these new shots, I'm pretty sure I'll have to track down one of the single troopers. Great shots, everybody!
Fookin' awesome!
View attachment 165432
ClipperKing pose -- as seen in his video review. All rights reserved.
Under certain lights they do have a very slight creamy tint, which I believe would be screen accurate. I noticed when placing them next to some Revoltech stormtroopers...those things are a bright titanium white with a faint bluish tint in comparison.