Yep. Took me a long time to shake the ol' Empire. And if this Hoth Han sculpt is terrific then I'll be back arguing with my teenage self. But I just don't have the room to collect all the main heroes outfits. If you get all of Luke, Leia and Han's main outfits you end up with 12 figures right there, before anyone else.
Doing the first Star Wars as a display is 7 heroes as it is, with out Luke pilot or trooper. Then you have villains. It's still going to be a massive display just from the one film. I'll like follow HT into Empire for Fett and Yoda, and into Jedi for the Emperor (wouldn't mind an updated Jabba by HT either actually).
So what have I got as a Star Wars display:
Boba Fett
Scout trooper
(would love Tarkin is anybody ever does him)
That's 16. About a whole detolf (Jabba on top).
I've got a lot of Sideshow figures to pack up.
Now you want shorty. Yes..... Yes.....
[...]Yep. Took me a long time to shake the ol' Empire [...]
Doing the first Star Wars as a display is 7 heroes as it is, with out Luke pilot or trooper. Then you have villains. It's still going to be a massive display just from the one film. I'll like follow HT into Empire for Fett and Yoda, and into Jedi for the Emperor (wouldn't mind an updated Jabba by HT either actually).
I'm thinking of HT Star Wars like this. Stylised line up of icons.
Yes sir, you do. Beyond the shadow of a doubt.
I'm thinking of HT Star Wars like this. Stylised line up of icons.
Lovely futzing/posing, figures look the same to me though?
Absolutely, not everything can be verbalized or figured out at a glance or sometimes even with deeper study. That's why we see people saying "it looks off" all the time. Or the opposite is true, we can see the subtleties that are incorrect, but the "whole" nails it, and those aspects recede. Figures look great!I'm convinced that even things we don't consciously see we register in our brains, which is what imparts some figures/poses with "life" compared to the factory product look.
LOL...well I did say it was subtle. Like OCD subtle maybe.(And thank you).
The one on the left has his armour loosened wherever possible and there's foam causing the ab armour and chest armour to project outwards at slightly wonky angles.
Similar to the Marmit releases, by the way...I can see minute variations in the helmet sculpts (which is a good thing). My trained eyesight is a blessing and a curse...I can assure you that I can actually spot these tiny differences as I often enough work on even smaller scales...sculpture led me to goldsmithing training some years ago and I'm used to working on bespoke fine jewellery within tolerances of 0.2mm.
I'm convinced that even things we don't consciously see we register in our brains, which is what imparts some figures/poses with "life" compared to the factory product look.
Can't wait to get the short trooper!
I'm ok with my modified SS Tusken and very happy with Tamashii 3PO. SS R2 is fine until we get a HT version. I think ANH Luke and Leia will be the next announcement from HT?
The Death Star Commander, yeah, he is a problem.
Can't you kit bash something.