Before getting too baffled by HT's reasoning here, it might help to take a look at their previous practices--just about every time something popular was released by Hot Toys, it got released again. Frequently as an updated, and improved edition. Batmen, Ledger Jokers, Predators, T2 Arnold and of course, Iron Men being the primary targets here.
HT doesn't seem to be in a huge rush here, given that they haven't announced any Empire-specific figures since getting the new license, and only one Jedi figure I believe in Boba Fett. So, in a year or so from now, they can release Episode 8/Rogue Squadron/whatever and Empire figures, and at that time we will most likely get more Stormies with whatever minor changes included that were made in that film. We might even get more recolored versions and other wacky variants. Then, a couple years later, Jedi versions. A couple years after that, more ep. 4 versions with some improved technology, maybe sound chips or spring loaded missiles, DX googly eyes maybe for the Django sculpt they may put under the helmet, slightly redesigned armor and helmets that make the older versions quaint and obsolete in the eyes of some, etc. etc.
We'll get more Stormtroopers. Hot Toys ain't one to leave a cash cow unmilked.