Super Freak
Problem with Tarkin is he'd have to come with a lot of accessories because he's just a barebones man-in-suit.
Officers 3-pack.
Problem with Tarkin is he'd have to come with a lot of accessories because he's just a barebones man-in-suit.
Leia is barebones as barebones can be. . .unless you count the cardboard backdrop.
I wonder if there have been likeness issues with Cushing or the Cushing estate over the years.
Problem with Tarkin is he'd have to come with a lot of accessories because he's just a barebones man-in-suit. The interrogator droid is coming with Vader (i think) and really, whatcha gonna give Tarkin?
I think Tarkin is a character you just understand is not going to come with much. It didn't stop them with Leia, it wont stop them with the Emperor. I wonder if there have been likeness issues with Cushing or the Cushing estate over the years. Why he still hasn't been made baffles me. He's the main villain in the film that started all of this madness.
Will people buy a $230 Sideshow Tarkin that has a slightly too dark skintone and simple apps? It's all about the headsculpt - the rest is just a basic uniform.
HT isn't going to do Tarkin in the next five years - not a chance.
I think there are certain characters that just can't be made anymore given the new SSC pricepoint. He's a $135 figure, but we're entering the era of the bare-bones $230 Sideshow figure.
I'm worried that SSC Dengar's going to be in the $240 Luke X-Wing range. Who would have believed that even three years ago?
^^^ This. You can buy the head alone parted out, uniform too. Stick them on a cheap Truetype knockoff body and you've put him together for half as much as what Sideshow will charge for him with packaging.
It's insane to think this figure would sell at that pricepoint from either Sideshow or Hot Toys, headsculpt be damned. He's just not going to sell.
This is exactly the figure Sideshow should have made 5 years ago as part of the Militaries line but instead they gave us Praji. PRAJI?!?! WTF Sideshow?!?!?![]()
Sadly Dengar will be the last of the Bounty Hunters and cost nearly twice as much as Boba Fett or Bossk and for many he's just a non-descript background character with a diaper on his head. Worst, 4-LOM will utilize the same C-3PO droid body with an insect head thrown on and cost as much as the Medicom one did at full price.
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Having a ton of fun with these guys. They are awesome!