Tough crowd in here.
You're right, it looks more like Henry Winkler.
But in all seriousness, thanks to Rubio for posting that, I've been wondering what that would look like. I'm guessing it would need a replacement HT neck, maybe cut down a bit.
The shorter stormtrooper has a shorter neck peg, by the way.
I'm about to embark on further bashing and customizing. Because I can never leave well enough alone. As I've mentioned ad nauseam, I'm very happy with the HT troopers; that said the helmet isn't perfect and we all know it.
I'm thinking a re-painted Marmit bucket and a human head could push one of these into epic territory.
I've ordered some more Vallejo paints to commence attempts at colour matching. The tube stripes are going to be a problem. I'm thinking it should be possible to print them out on decal paper? That's a thing, right?
While I'm at it I may as well cut out the Marmit eyes and replace them with dark green gels.
Finally...I'm curious to put that HT armour on a Soldier Story body. The arms don't hang close to the body in a neutral position, partly due to the rigid and slightly wide bicep armour, but also possibly due to the design of their trooper body, haven't stripped one yet to see.
I'm going to be busy for a while.
I'm also slowly cutting my trooper population (already!) but only because I got tired of messing around and I'm making space for some 1:1 stuff. Like a boss.
And maybe also because my girlfriend said I was allowed.