Looks nice at secret base. I’m planning to get it. But dang I keep seeing a little bit of Rip Torn in the face. Lol. Anyone else see that?
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I think TLJ Luke sculpt looks better than this one. Glad I kept hold of it
Why does Luke insist on wearing Sith black as his Jedi look?
No wonder Kylo got confused.
with white clothes inside... just like in ROTJ.
I loved the final Crait scenes, and this fight between Kylo and Luke was very special to me.
That’s the majority of the fan base.I just showed the headsculpt pic from JC's instagram to my elementary students as they were walking in and they immediately knew who it was supposed to be.
I loved the final Crait scenes, and this fight between Kylo and Luke was very special to me.
with white clothes inside... just like in ROTJ.
I loved the final Crait scenes, and this fight between Kylo and Luke was very special to me.
Do we see white under his ROTJ clothes, aside from the inside of the flap? That doesn’t stand out to me.
Man three Lukes from this movie. Unbelievable.