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I find it so pathetic some of you hate other actual people because you didn't like their fictional Star Wars movie. I can understand hating a movie - but hating a dude you've never even met just because you don't like his movie (and let me guess, the way he called the people being racist to Kelly manbabies) is absurd..

No wonder the Star Wars fan base is the butt of many jokes. And considering the majority of the people on this website with comments like this are 30-40+, that's pretty lame.

Hate a movie (or any fictional work) all you want, don't hate a person for something like a movie. I'm pretty sure any of us that actually met Rian at SWC Orlando in the overnight queue can all agree he's a nice dude.

I love coming on here to talk about figures and whatnot, but I've been avoiding it more recently because you can't come into a thread without a grown ass man crying about how they hate Kathleen Kennedy or Rian Johnson and "something, something, agenda". Grow up, people.

Someone telling others to “grow up” because they simply don’t agree with someone’s opinion.

What’s more pathetic than that?
I'll give you concise honesty. Star Wars was something I really enjoyed when I was a kid growing up in the 80s. In the present day I would like to look forward to seeing new SW movies but I can't after Kennedy and Johnson trashed the franchise with an agenda. And they knew exactly what they were doing, so yeah I don't like them. The end.

Agree fully.

Same can be aimed at oppostion from rival sports teams. If they do something that ruins your memories you don't like them.

I have heroes I have never met. They might not be great people, but they gave me lasting memories that I am greatful for.
I'll give you concise honesty. Star Wars was something I really enjoyed when I was a kid growing up in the 80s. In the present day I would like to look forward to seeing new SW movies but I can't after Kennedy and Johnson trashed the franchise with an agenda. And they knew exactly what they were doing, so yeah I don't like them. The end.

Would be impossible for me to agree with you more.
I can fully relate to this.

My dad passed away from cancer days before TFA came out at the cinema so I found the Han Solo part deeply disturbing.
My favourite childhood memory was going to see ROTJ on my 7th birthday with my parents.

If the loss of Han had lead into a really gripping and fulfilling trilogy then I would have accepted it. But TLJ was simply awful. Arguably the worst film I have ever seen and that is heart breaking. Star Wars has never been a children's movie for me. They are life affirming movies. No films have came close to the majesty of the OT imo.

I have just chosen to ignore the ST (I wish I didn't have £1k plus worth of TFA Hot Toys that I bought during the pre hype, though I never imagined that could get it so badly wrong).

I really enjoyed Rogue One and Solo though.

I have also decided to pass on this figure. £240 for one of my favourite characters who was treated dreadfully by Ruin Johnson.
I want the Death Star Trooper asap!

Rogue One is one of the best star wars movies, even if its a little uneven, but they all are kind of uneven. except maybe empire. Solo is great i think, reminds me of an EU novel, too bad we will probably never see any thing like it again.

Sorry to hear about your dad... Lost my own a few years before my mom, only child, but lots of friends so it evens out.

It is amazing how these films can almost feel like a second family, i don't expect everyone to understand what i'm saying, but that is part of the fun, Star Wars means so much, in so many different ways, to so many people. And it almost always brings out passion in people. I remember how crazy things were during the prequels. Master Replica collecting was similar to Hot Toys collecting now i think.

Tried not to use any more ... Its a bad habit of mine... something i need to break... lol :):) The number one Predator fan commented on it earlier :):)

And i don't think anybody here really hates Riaan Johnson, its just one of those internet terms of speaking, maybe i'm wrong but person to person people behave a lot differently... At least i hope so anyways :)
I find it so pathetic some of you hate other actual people because you didn't like their fictional Star Wars movie. I can understand hating a movie - but hating a dude you've never even met just because you don't like his movie (and let me guess, the way he called the people being racist to Kelly manbabies) is absurd..

No wonder the Star Wars fan base is the butt of many jokes. And considering the majority of the people on this website with comments like this are 30-40+, that's pretty lame.

Hate a movie (or any fictional work) all you want, don't hate a person for something like a movie. I'm pretty sure any of us that actually met Rian at SWC Orlando in the overnight queue can all agree he's a nice dude.

I love coming on here to talk about figures and whatnot, but I've been avoiding it more recently because you can't come into a thread without a grown ass man crying about how they hate Kathleen Kennedy or Rian Johnson and "something, something, agenda". Grow up, people.

I really HATE Rain Johnson too - even though I haven't met him. You don't need to have "met" someone to draw judgement and dislike them. Are you saying because you never met Hilter, you can't form an opinion? Ridiculous.

Rian Johnson claims he had to be honest to the story, his story. And there's the problem, he's an arrogant little egotist, because it was never "his" story to write, it was George Lucas's story, and he decided to ignore mythology and lore that was established over 40 years. Imagine if Peter Jackson had ignored Tolkien and done whatever he wanted to Lord of the Rings???
I find it so pathetic some of you hate other actual people because you didn't like their fictional Star Wars movie. I can understand hating a movie - but hating a dude you've never even met just because you don't like his movie (and let me guess, the way he called the people being racist to Kelly manbabies) is absurd..

No wonder the Star Wars fan base is the butt of many jokes. And considering the majority of the people on this website with comments like this are 30-40+, that's pretty lame.

Hate a movie (or any fictional work) all you want, don't hate a person for something like a movie. I'm pretty sure any of us that actually met Rian at SWC Orlando in the overnight queue can all agree he's a nice dude.

I love coming on here to talk about figures and whatnot, but I've been avoiding it more recently because you can't come into a thread without a grown ass man crying about how they hate Kathleen Kennedy or Rian Johnson and "something, something, agenda". Grow up, people.

Age always gets a great workout on this forum.:lol

And to be fair, RJ was pretty combative and provocative at times though. It's not like he pulled a Kershner where he just stuck to interviews about the movie - he kind of engaged directly with the backlash at times, trying to mock it. If he had stuck to discussing the movie, I don't think people would be as focused on him directly.

Saw this on an email I got from SSC

:lol I think they’re still hungover From NYCC 2018

Haha - here I'd planned to get Crait Luke and that's the Luke I'm likely getting if they don't tweak this Crait headsculpt. Hermit Luke was my second choice but it is a nice figure and outfit.
I really HATE Rain Johnson too - even though I haven't met him. You don't need to have "met" someone to draw judgement and dislike them. Are you saying because you never met Hilter, you can't form an opinion? Ridiculous.

Rian Johnson claims he had to be honest to the story, his story. And there's the problem, he's an arrogant little egotist, because it was never "his" story to write, it was George Lucas's story, and he decided to ignore mythology and lore that was established over 40 years. Imagine if Peter Jackson had ignored Tolkien and done whatever he wanted to Lord of the Rings???

Its too bad too because Brick and Looper are pretty cool movies, i had a lot of hope for him. Last Jedi does look great most of the time, well atleast i remembered it looking great, never went back for a re watch. tried too but think i tuned out when Poe came on screen with his mutiny stuff. It was just so odd everything, the hyperspace jump weapon idea? how could they not see that makes no sense based on the previous what 7 movies, and 100 hours of the cartoon etc. What was the story room like i wonder? Like nobody brought that up? i could go on and on but i might be upsetting people posting the same thoughts, and maybe they would start to hate me too, lol :):)
I really HATE Rain Johnson too - even though I haven't met him. You don't need to have "met" someone to draw judgement and dislike them. Are you saying because you never met Hilter, you can't form an opinion? Ridiculous.

Rian Johnson claims he had to be honest to the story, his story. And there's the problem, he's an arrogant little egotist, because it was never "his" story to write, it was George Lucas's story, and he decided to ignore mythology and lore that was established over 40 years. Imagine if Peter Jackson had ignored Tolkien and done whatever he wanted to Lord of the Rings???

That's actually the opposite of what I was saying. Maybe read my post again. I was saying that it's really ****ing stupid to hate someone because they made a fictional movie that you didn't like.

Do you not see the difference between hating a murderer and someone that made a movie you didn't like? lol. Actually, judging by some of your guys' responses
to my post, you probably do not.

You guys seem to see nothing wrong to hating someone because they didn't make a movie you don't like rofl. Why not just hate the movie and hate the guy's writing/directing? You don't have to hate him as a person. It is baffling that a bunch of grown men like yourselves don't see what's wrong with all that ****.

Also, responding to the last part of your post - George never wrote a full 7-9. He had 40 years to make the sequels. He decided not to, he decided to sell Star Wars off instead. He wrote a little bit of a "here's some stuff I came up with" in terms of setting up Rey and Luke's exile, that's pretty much all we know.

Yeah, if Peter Jackson changed Lord of the Rings people would be pissed. You realize there was NO story written for episode 8 right? They had nothing. So yeah, someone had to write a story for it and it wasn't going to be George. So actually, yes, it was Rian's story. When he refers to it as "his" story, he's correct. Just as 7 is JJ and Kasdan's story. Just as the new show will be Jon's story. Some of you people need to get your heads out of the sand and realize Lucas did 1-6 and never had any story written beyond that.

Anyway, thanks for comparing Rian Johnson to Hitler. I find it ****ing hilarious that you get so bent out of shape about a movie you didn't like the direction of that you feel the need to compare him to one of the worst people & mass murderers in history.

Imagine, if you met Rian in real life at a grocery store with your wife and kid - would you lash out at him in public or have the "balls" to say any of the **** you say about him online to his face in public? I'm sure you'd look very mature.
Someone telling others to “grow up” because they simply don’t agree with someone’s opinion.

What’s more pathetic than that?

Probably someone hating an actual person (who you have never met) because you didn't like their make believe movie. And yes, hating someone you have never met like Hitler is actually completely different than hating someone like Rian Johnson. If you (like the guy above) can't see the difference there, then that is extremely pathetic.
I don't think Lucas came up with Rey. Maybe i'm wrong?

Also he never really wrote any of the movies until he started making them from my understanding. I heard awhile back he wanted the sequels to actually be about the midocholdrians or whatever and it was going to be fantastic voyage type movie. Which sounds really bad i know.

Peter Jackson actually did change quite a bit in the LOTR and i remember a lot of people not liking the changes, he did it even more so with the Hobbit movies which were pretty much disliked by most.

And there was story hinted at for episode 8 with the things episode 7 setup, Rian just ignored it all and wrote what he wanted.
Probably someone hating an actual person (who you have never met) because you didn't like their make believe movie. And yes, hating someone you have never met like Hitler is actually completely different than hating someone like Rian Johnson. If you (like the guy above) can't see the difference there, then that is extremely pathetic.

Its funny to read Riann Johnson and Hitler being talked about in the same sentence :):) No matter what i seriously doubt they wanted to split the fan base so much. It has to have been a mistake. One i'm sure they will try to correct. But maybe they will still give Riann his trilogy and it will be awesome, but seems very unlikely. Which is them in a way admitting he was the wrong person for the job! :) Didn't they release a whole documentary about how disappointed Mark Hamil was in Johnson too? The director and the jedi or something...
I don't think Lucas came up with Rey. Maybe i'm wrong?

Also he never really wrote any of the movies until he started making them from my understanding. I heard awhile back he wanted the sequels to actually be about the midocholdrians or whatever and it was going to be fantastic voyage type movie. Which sounds really bad i know.

Peter Jackson actually did change quite a bit in the LOTR and i remember a lot of people not liking the changes, he did it even more so with the Hobbit movies which were pretty much disliked by most.

And there was story hinted at for episode 8 with the things episode 7 setup, Rian just ignored it all and wrote what he wanted.

Lucas did come up with Rey (then Kira). A girl scavenger/junker orphan that is the main character/jedi of the trilogy and goes off to find Luke. That's what we know from the art books and Pablo/Phil talking about it.

He's talked about how his sequels would've been different, but again - he wasn't going to make them. He's long been done with Star Wars movies due to how people treated him after the prequels (and look how everyone treats people working on them now).

What did seven set up that was ignored?

The only one that is in anyway really shut down is Snoke. Frankly, Snoke was Emperor 2.0 put in TFA for nostalgia and "because Vader needs an Emperor!". If they didn't kill him in 8, JJ would probably just make the ending ROTJ 2.0. I find him being dead much more interesting for IX. Could we find out more about him? Sure. Are we going to? Maybe not in a movie, but in comics or books probably.

Rey's parentage was a JJ mystery box for the sake of a mystery box. There's nothing that says "she is this person's daughter" in TFA. In fact, if you go back and watch it, it aligns pretty well with her being nobody special. Why did the saber call to her? Not sure - but again, doesn't seem like it's something JJ figured out. He creates mysteries for the hell of it.

I'm not sure what else would even be brought up. Luke was established as a failure that left everything behind and exiled himself in TFA, and TLJ builds off that.
Age always gets a great workout on this forum.:lol

And to be fair, RJ was pretty combative and provocative at times though. It's not like he pulled a Kershner where he just stuck to interviews about the movie - he kind of engaged directly with the backlash at times, trying to mock it. If he had stuck to discussing the movie, I don't think people would be as focused on him directly.

Haha - here I'd planned to get Crait Luke and that's the Luke I'm likely getting if they don't tweak this Crait headsculpt. Hermit Luke was my second choice but it is a nice figure and outfit.

:lol if I click on the link it leads me to the right Crait Luke order graphics page
I can understand hating a movie - but hating a dude you've never even met just because you don't like his movie is absurd.


I personally didn’t care for TLJ as a whole, but it’d be extremely childish to hate RJ as a person because of it, being that I literally don’t know anything about him other than he simply directed a film that I didn’t like.

Age always gets a great workout on this forum.:lol

Right? :lol

Someone telling others to “grow up” because they simply don’t agree with someone’s opinion.

What’s more pathetic than that?

Trolling a toy forum and taking a make believe film way too seriously by having a visceral personal hatred for an individual simply because you didn’t like their make believe film.

For starters.


However, on the same token, I also find it humorous how some of the lovers of TLJ get their panties in a bunch when someone even simply states that they didn’t care for TLJ as a film.
:lol if I click on the link it leads me to the right Crait Luke order graphics page

Hey, at least they didn't get it mixed up with mega muscles angry Luke...


I thought there would be more about the Knights of the Ren, they just dropped that, and yes Rey's parents seemed to be important i thought, for some reason one of her dolls was an xwing flight suit, almost hinting it was Luke, the ship they showed leaving her was even one of his i think in the EU? Why else was the Falcon parked in her back yard? i guess just a coincidence... I don't' remember them making luke a failure i thought it was a mystery why he left, the opening crawl said he has vanished, but my memory is hazy on it now :) And yes Snoke was also dropped pretty much altogether. Seems like there was quite a bit they setup then just tanked. Probably because they never really had a plan at all. Oh well guess i could go back and read Timothy Zahns books, those at least had a plan! :)

Glad you enjoyed the movie, i just couldn't, i tried and wanted to so badly... But then a lot of people didn't like Solo and i thought that was great. And i'm excited for part 9 because there is no way I'll ever be as disappointed as i was with the last jedi, lol :):)
Probably someone hating an actual person (who you have never met) because you didn't like their make believe movie. And yes, hating someone you have never met like Hitler is actually completely different than hating someone like Rian Johnson. If you (like the guy above) can't see the difference there, then that is extremely pathetic.
Therein lies the problem right there...if somewhere in someone's mind a calculation is made that draws an equivalence between the feelings you should have about a man who really killed millions of people and another man writing a story where he has fictional people killed it explains a lot...and people who feel this way may be more deserving of sympathy than anger. It must be awful to be like Kathy Bates in "Misery."