Super Freak
I loathe him so much because he ruined SW for me, so let’s spend money just to let others know that I do when I walk around. 

Nobody cares.
Mark Hamill has made it pretty clear he doesn't like TLJ, or RJ for that matter. RJ called Hamill a mother ****er on stage because he (Hamill) was asked how he would have handled the character - and Rj spewed out "Yeah, how would you have handled it mother ****er."
Being the blind, RJ loving fool that you are, you can justify it that he was "joking," or whatever you want... but again, a very unprofessional way to conduct ones self.
Anyone with half a brain would also condemn the way those imbeciles you mentioned have been carrying on - they are toxic, disturbed people. And RJ hasn't "ruined my childhood" by any means. Again, I couldn't care less. But I don't like his poorly written and directed film, and I don't like him either... and yes, I would happily tell him to his face.
But hey, you love him, and that's cool. But please get off your soap box and don't tell me I can't form an opinion of him.
That Mark Hamill shirt would be *hilarious* to wear at the next SW Celebration.![]()
Lol @ people legitimately thinking Mark doesn't like Rian.
But you must be right. Mark definitely hates Rian. In fact, he hates him so much that he continued to hangout with him well after TLJ came out and even after home video came out ( And how Mark went through with making TLJ even though he could have absolutely just walked away from it and lost the paycheck if he didn't like it that much. Oh right, and also how Mark continues to follow and interact with Rian on twitter even though their work together is long finished. And I'm pretty sure Mark having nothing but nice things to say about Rian is all a front, even though they're not working together. And yes, I'm a BLIND FOOLISH IDIOT for using my brain and assuming that Rian was joking with Mark when he called him a mother****er, which everyone including Mark laughed at and Rian said with a joking tone. Shucks.
Anyway, thanks for the laugh. Poor Mark being a victim to all of this and being forced to do the movie, which he could have broken contract on anytime he wanted! I feel so bad for Mark having to pretend to still be friends with Rian even though they aren't working on anything together! I'm sure Rian kidnaps him when they hangout and tells him to smile or he'll ruin his childhood too! :'(
Lol @ people legitimately thinking Mark doesn't like Rian.
But you must be right. Mark definitely hates Rian. In fact, he hates him so much that he continued to hangout with him well after TLJ came out and even after home video came out ( And how Mark went through with making TLJ even though he could have absolutely just walked away from it and lost the paycheck if he didn't like it that much. Oh right, and also how Mark continues to follow and interact with Rian on twitter even though their work together is long finished. And I'm pretty sure Mark having nothing but nice things to say about Rian is all a front, even though they're not working together. And yes, I'm a BLIND FOOLISH IDIOT for using my brain and assuming that Rian was joking with Mark when he called him a mother****er, which everyone including Mark laughed at and Rian said with a joking tone. Shucks.
Anyway, thanks for the laugh. Poor Mark being a victim to all of this and being forced to do the movie, which he could have broken contract on anytime he wanted! I feel so bad for Mark having to pretend to still be friends with Rian even though they aren't working on anything together! I'm sure Rian kidnaps him when they hangout and tells him to smile or he'll ruin his childhood too! :'(
I would argue that Luke being reluctant to help isn't just a standard movie trope but is actually a trope we've even seen in Star Wars before: with Yoda initially being reluctant to train Luke due to his age and recklessness. Also the first thing that both ESB Yoda and TLJ Luke did when a new pupil showed up was run off to eat something gross! (Yoda's nasty stew/Luke's green milk)
I do find TLJ fascinating in how it weaves very familiar sequences into the narrative in ways that often don't telegraph themselves as being such. And the sequences that *do* telegraph themselves (ROTJ throne room being repeated on Snoke's ship) end up zigging when you think they'll zag (Snoke dying in the second film for instance.) I honestly do understand why someone would just write those sequences off as just another form of plagiarizing the OT (and even I'll fully admit that Hoth Battle 2.0 pretty much does just that) but luckily for me at least RJ's approach worked more often than it didn't.
It's greatest sins IMO will always be those various undercooked elements throughout like not showing a definitive shot of Luke's non-functioning X-Wing, not adding an extra line of dialogue from Leia indicating that she knew Luke was there to be nothing but a diversion, etc.
I think Luke is basically using a dirtier version of his TFA boots (with darker leg wrappings) in the Crait projection. Hot Toys seems to be going with a brown base color instead of a "dirty" or weathered look. They did the same thing with Finn's boots by making them a dark and grayish brown - forgetting that those were supposed to be his white Stormtrooper boots that just got really dirty on Jaaku.
The shot that focuses on Luke's foot gliding across the salt without leaving a print is probably the best view we get of the boots, but it's still hard to tell.
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Amazing....that poor guy...he probably get death threats also from TLJ haters.....
People , its a movie.....I mean why not "Mark Hamill is an *******"? I have said this before, Hamill knew what was going on, and he stayed with it. But people give him a pass, and make it about Disney and RJ, and some mythical agenda...
Ford WaNTED Han to DIE! Why not blame him for that? Everyone was angry about that? But did anyone blame HF? Nope!
Hamill was playing Luke and could have bowed out at any time, (and given up his payday!")
But he didn't, so according to the logic that the "people who made TLJ are A'hols", then Mark is just as big an a'hole for letting them do this to the beloved Luke and cashing his check at the end of the day.....
Hypocrisy ....pure and simple.
I am sure folks will respond...He couldn't help it , Disney had him under contract...RJ had his kids held hostage...blah blah blah....
In the end he could have bowed out and missed his payday......but he didn't so all you RJ haters, I hope you hate Hamill just as much.....if not read the line in bold above and repeat it over and over...
Amazing....that poor guy...he probably get death threats also from TLJ haters.....
People , its a movie.....I mean why not "Mark Hamill is an *******"? I have said this before, Hamill knew what was going on, and he stayed with it. But people give him a pass, and make it about Disney and RJ, and some mythical agenda...
Ford WaNTED Han to DIE! Why not blame him for that? Everyone was angry about that? But did anyone blame HF? Nope!
Hamill was playing Luke and could have bowed out at any time, (and given up his payday!")
But he didn't, so according to the logic that the "people who made TLJ are A'hols", then Mark is just as big an a'hole for letting them do this to the beloved Luke and cashing his check at the end of the day.....
Hypocrisy ....pure and simple.
I am sure folks will respond...He couldn't help it , Disney had him under contract...RJ had his kids held hostage...blah blah blah....
In the end he could have bowed out and missed his payday......but he didn't so all you RJ haters, I hope you hate Hamill just as much.....if not read the line in bold above and repeat it over and over...
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These are kind of fascinating discussions because it brings up questions of what defines Star Wars - like do you need a young Luke-type hero, and a dastardly black-clad villain with red saber, and a bearded old wise man, a superweapon, and a wider war with underdogs vs the massive army... in order for it to be SW (even beyond the expected basics of interplanetary locales, SW tech, etc. etc)? I guess you do. Maybe there's a fear if you don't you lose that essence - or audience expectation. And at what point does "homage" or "nods" turn into a rip-off - like the ROTJ throne room vs Snoke ship part you mention?
It's amazing how much HT messed up the TFA Luke boots - I think all of them are supposed to be some variation on his ANH boots, yet the ones they did for the TFA fig looked awful.
You do realize that had he just walked away from the film there would have been some fairly big consequences for him right? I mean he doesn't just get to come in and make any decision that he wants. He's under contract and if he breached that because of creative differences there probably would have been legal/financial implications for him as well as he'd be on the outs with Disney which is one of the biggest companies in Hollywood.Amazing....that poor guy...he probably get death threats also from TLJ haters.....
People , its a movie.....I mean why not "Mark Hamill is an *******"? I have said this before, Hamill knew what was going on, and he stayed with it. But people give him a pass, and make it about Disney and RJ, and some mythical agenda...
Ford WaNTED Han to DIE! Why not blame him for that? Everyone was angry about that? But did anyone blame HF? Nope!
Hamill was playing Luke and could have bowed out at any time, (and given up his payday!")
But he didn't, so according to the logic that the "people who made TLJ are A'hols", then Mark is just as big an a'hole for letting them do this to the beloved Luke and cashing his check at the end of the day.....
Hypocrisy ....pure and simple.
I am sure folks will respond...He couldn't help it , Disney had him under contract...RJ had his kids held hostage...blah blah blah....
In the end he could have bowed out and missed his payday......but he didn't so all you RJ haters, I hope you hate Hamill just as much.....if not read the line in bold above and repeat it over and over...
Cmon - not really fair. Hamill isn't Ford. He doesn't have a fleet of planes and a likely half a billion in the bank. Hamill needs acting work, or... work... and Luke is his only shot at a major payday. If he was close to Ford, in terms of wealth and/or career, I'd buy your argument. But it's just lame to suggest a guy who doesn't have a career and presumably has a bank balance that reflects that would just give the middle finger to Disney and walk away.
RJ had a pretty wide range of options to operate under for TLJ and he created what he did. To say that one of the actors who was brought into bring it to life should share the blame is kinda out there in terms of logic. Hamill may be an asset to the SW brand, but he's not someone whose word Disney would listen to.
This is complete nonsense.
On top of that like someone else mentioned Hamill isn't Ford.
I personally think that for a movie to feel like Star Wars it really needs the OT aesthetic. McQuarrie-esque designs with that lived in feel. Once you break out of that mold then it becomes incredibly hard to not fully cross over into generic sci-fi Fifth Element/Battlestar Galactica/Star Trek territory. TPM felt like SW because even though it was a different era George set a good portion of it on Tatooine and then the final battle was very OT-ish with the space battle, lightsaber duel in the reactor room, and Gungan battle.
AOTC and ROTS lost the SW feel in more ways than one and ended up having more in common with "Cool World" than the OT IMO.
Think of the OT as being like "Braveheart" for a moment. Let's say that someone said "hey I want to make more Braveheart movies, and I'm going to really open up the timeline. I'll make some prequels that take place 2,000 years prior to William Wallace set in Egypt and some sequels set 700 years later in contemporary Los Angeles." Sure those could all be legitimate tales set in the same "universe" but once you move that far from the original aesthetic then there really isn't much point in even saying that the films are connected at all. If someone were to make more "Braveheart" films, with or without William Wallace, then the assumption is that they will be set around the 13th or 14th century in or around Scotland and feature highlanders, knights, broadswords and all that.
"Solo" nicely breaks the family drama/Force pupil/Empire vs. Rebels (minus Mimban of course) themes but still felt like SW due to it's adherence to the OT aesthetic. Keep that aesthetic and I think they can tell all manner of alternate stories. Westerns, heists, Samurai films, you name it.
I hate many things about the HT TFA Luke, but the boots hadn't been one of those things. There's a ton of work I have to do to this figure, and I was hoping boots would at least be the one thing I wouldn't have to modify.What is it about them that you think make them look awful? Your word is pretty much gold with me, so I'm really curious what it is about these boots that needs to improve.
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I'm boring of TLJ talk... back to the figure (again)...
Hamill is not poor. He makes tons of money off these films...he told me himself...
I do not agree, as an actor you can take a role or not. Many female actors will not do nude scenes and have that written in their contracts. Hamill , had a choice to leave the role when he read the script, but he stuck with it (as would I ). Its a payday for him and his family and he is an actor and not what some people think (that he's their childhood hero).
Let me be clear, I , personally don't hold anyone responsible (mainly because I like the film) But if people are going to rip apart the director, then they should hold the actors that brought the story alive in some way.
Unfortunately, what we have here is a whole lot of hero worship...and people who will attack the director , while leaving the principal players as "Innocent little lambs" taken advantage of by the mean old "Disney Corporation". Especially with Ford, he must have made it part of his contract to have Han die...forcing ANY director to write that in.....yet Ford gets a pass for that. The amount of monies paid make no difference in the actors chice to take part in the story. Any of they could have walked if it offended them. In reality, money is what they wanted....and screw the story.....that the "hero's" people need to wake up to...
What a stunning , logical response...