Super Freak
They look so great together!
They do indeed.
Better than say.....Endor Luke and Endor Leia together?

They look so great together!
A bit disappointed with the Crait base for Leia. I get it, but just think the standard TLJ base would have been a better fit.
Might wait to see if Hot Toys do something for her for Episode IX. Don't know how likely that is though. There is talk of digitally altered costumes for the footage to be used.
I would have been horrified if TLJ was mentioned. I was happy to pass on this until I saw how good the production piece was.
Even though the ST is terrible imo, they are still my OT heroes. The greatest characters ever created, so having them is worth while.
I just need them as detached as possible from the Disney EU and create my own 'what if' scenario.
I think even Hot Toys have played it safe.
Leia and the Falcon on the base, as it should be.
I would really love to see the sales figures of this vs Hermit Luke. Are they still even making that version ? I mean it's a cool outfit etc. But it would be interesting to gauge the popularity or non-popularity of both these renditions of Luke.
On the other hand, the fact they are even making a Force Projecction figure says enough in itself.
Although a very commendable figure, I hated it as a representation of Luke Skywalker.
The Crait version is much more of how he should have looked (and not just some pathetic projection).
I knew I couldn't be alone in thinking this......![]()
Him throwing the sabre away ruled the first outfit out. Plus it was a bit generic for me.
The Hermit look is dreadful.
His projection look is what I expected from an aged Luke. I can happily add this to my shelf as an EU version with the ROTJ lightsaber, and disregard the silly force projection of TLJ.
Without wanting to start a debate here, I still cannot fathom how anyone could think they could take a character as beloved and established in Popculture lore, and do that to them. It's just unbelievable. Take any other character and do your "forget the past" or "it's not going to work out the way you think" methodology and use it on someone else. But not Luke. That is suicide IMO.
That's either some massive kahunas right there or pure stupidity, however I fear the latter.
...Without wanting to start a debate here, I still cannot fathom how anyone could think they could take a character as beloved and established in Popculture lore, and do that to them. It's just unbelievable. Take any other character and do your "forget the past" or "it's not going to work out the way you think" methodology and use it on someone else. But not Luke. That is suicide IMO.
That's either some massive kahunas right there or pure stupidity, however I fear the latter.
To be fair, Luke's story has always been the standard heroes journey, and his role in the ST continues that.
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There's a reason that the "old/mentor" character in almost everything is either secluded or refuses to help, then ends up helping, and usually ends up dying to save the hero. I can see people not enjoying the way TFA/TLJ went, but I'm surprised so many people didn't see that version of Luke coming. From the moment it was announced they were making VII, I was pretty sure Luke was going to die in the first movie Obi-Wan style. And especially after TFA where Han says he blamed himself for what happened with Ben and ran away from it all, I wasn't exactly expecting Luke to be very happy go lucky lol.
Star Wars (both Obi-Wan and Luke), The Matrix (Neo), Tron/Tron Legacy (Jeff Bridges), LOTR (Biblo and to an extent Frodo), Logan (Logan lol), Star Trek, Highlander (Sean Connery), and many more are all examples of the heroes journey.
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Nephew would be easier to kill than my dad. But that’s just me. Hamill even said what would you do if baby hitler was in front of you and you had a chance to change history? That’s how he put the situation in perspective. Sorry to say but hero’s change. It’s not the same Luke as in OT people can’t get over that. People have different mindsets than they did 30 years ago. Obi didn’t kill Anakin when he had the chance, now he’s urging Luke to do it. Time can easily change mindsets.
Kind of a pointless meme considering Luke did end up attacking his father and never attacked his nephew.