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I'd rather have an action figure of Rian Johnson pouring wine next to the glass than that guy, lol.
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Film has so many other problems. This might be 50 on the list.
No, it was all part of Rian's master vision...
A few interesting script notes from the Crait scene in TLJ script (If you live in LA, I believe you can go read it).
"When Kylo and Luke face each other one on one: "Kylo locks eyes with Luke, terrified and furious." It is established a couple of times apparently that he is TERRIFIED of him. As mentioned in the novelization also.
When Luke and Kylo are preparing for their fight: "This is not like a saber fight. This is an old-fashioned samurai duel."
The rebellion is reborn montage - "LUKE: 'The rebellion is reborn today.' She see Finn holding Rose in his arms, not giving up. LUKE: 'The war is just beginning.' Cut back to Rey. She sees Luke's face. They connect, seeing each other." Luke and Rey connect! So when he's facing off Kylo, he is seeing/sensing Rey at the same time!"
Most interesting things here to me: Kylo is scared to **** of Luke, and Luke was connected with Rey during the ending. Watching the scene again, similar inter-cutting is used with Luke's "I will not be the last jedi" and Rey opening her eyes to Kylo/Rey's force connection scenes. So, while I think it could have come across better in the movie, my new head canon is Luke helped her lift the boulders. Explains that wtf face she has too when she opens them.
Here's a podcast of discussion on the script notes if anyone wants to listen: https://soundcloud.com/whotalksfirst/a-very-nondesscript-episode-title-who-talks-first
Damn, now I really wish that the film established that Luke lifted the boulders. Imagine Rey concentrating but looking worried, suddenly the rocks all rise into the air, the rebels clear the cave, then moments later Luke dies and all the rocks come crashing to the ground.
A few interesting script notes from the Crait scene in TLJ script (If you live in LA, I believe you can go read it).
"When Kylo and Luke face each other one on one: "Kylo locks eyes with Luke, terrified and furious." It is established a couple of times apparently that he is TERRIFIED of him. As mentioned in the novelization also.
When Luke and Kylo are preparing for their fight: "This is not like a saber fight. This is an old-fashioned samurai duel."
The rebellion is reborn montage - "LUKE: 'The rebellion is reborn today.' She see Finn holding Rose in his arms, not giving up. LUKE: 'The war is just beginning.' Cut back to Rey. She sees Luke's face. They connect, seeing each other." Luke and Rey connect! So when he's facing off Kylo, he is seeing/sensing Rey at the same time!"
Most interesting things here to me: Kylo is scared to **** of Luke, and Luke was connected with Rey during the ending. Watching the scene again, similar inter-cutting is used with Luke's "I will not be the last jedi" and Rey opening her eyes to Kylo/Rey's force connection scenes. So, while I think it could have come across better in the movie, my new head canon is Luke helped her lift the boulders. Explains that wtf face she has too when she opens them.
Here's a podcast of discussion on the script notes if anyone wants to listen: https://soundcloud.com/whotalksfirst/a-very-nondesscript-episode-title-who-talks-first
Damn, now I really wish that the film established that Luke lifted the boulders. Imagine Rey concentrating but looking worried, suddenly the rocks all rise into the air, the rebels clear the cave, then moments later Luke dies and all the rocks come crashing to the ground.
Tokyo Comic Con
It would be a funny spoof on Rey if every time she used the force there was actually a Jedi nearby doing it, and Rey actually has zero force ability.
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I like Hobo Luke better than this Hoodie Luke. Just has more character... and a backpack.
After listening to the podcast, I believe that's what was intended. Maybe not the part of the rocks crashing as Luke dies, but yeah. That would have helped the point come across better. I think moments like the inter-cutting between Rey/Kylo scenes are really well directed, but things like this, Luke refusing the saber, and Ben/Luke in the hut are all written much better in the script than they come across on screen. Not that it would change anyone's mind for those who didn't like those things, but Rian's writing was definitely better than his direction during those parts.
This scene and the hut are big ones for me in terms of implications, especially if IX is written from the script of VIII like the prior two were. In the script, it's explicitly pointed out that Kylo knows what Luke saw when he looked into his future. And also, with Rey and Luke being connected during those last few sequences, I'd imagine that not only does Luke see and help Rey out with the rocks, but Rey probably at least saw/heard Luke's confrontation with Kylo.
It would be a funny spoof on Rey if every time she used the force there was actually a Jedi nearby doing it, and Rey actually has zero force ability.
The only thing I'm still not clear on is why Luke chose to project a younger version of himself, since it seems like that would risk Kylo seeing through his ruse too early. Not to mention the audience watching the movie.
I'm sure Kylo would have been just as pissed to see an older and grayer Luke as the younger one. And it would have probably made the final reveal even more surprising and unexpected than it was.