The only thing I'm still not clear on is why Luke chose to project a younger version of himself
He should have projected himself as 1995 POTF Pro Wrestler Luke. That would have definitely freaked Kylo out.
The only thing I'm still not clear on is why Luke chose to project a younger version of himself
He should have projected himself as 1995 POTF Pro Wrestler Luke. That would have definitely freaked Kylo out.
He should have projected himself as 1995 POTF Pro Wrestler Luke. That would have definitely freaked Kylo out.
He should have projected himself as 1995 POTF Pro Wrestler Luke. That would have definitely freaked Kylo out.
It would be a funny spoof on Rey if every time she used the force there was actually a Jedi nearby doing it, and Rey actually has zero force ability.
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The only thing I'm still not clear on is why Luke chose to project a younger version of himself, since it seems like that would risk Kylo seeing through his ruse too early. Not to mention the audience watching the movie.
I'm sure Kylo would have been just as pissed to see an older and grayer Luke as the younger one. And it would have probably made the final reveal even more surprising and unexpected than it was.
He should have projected himself as 1995 POTF Pro Wrestler Luke. That would have definitely freaked Kylo out.
He should have projected himself as 1995 POTF Pro Wrestler Luke. That would have definitely freaked Kylo out.
But with long saber or short?
The "Just For Men" version is certainly perplexing.
It would be a funny spoof on Rey if every time she used the force there was actually a Jedi nearby doing it, and Rey actually has zero force ability.
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Rotfl....whats incredible about that joke is that its only funny to a VERY VERY small and select few....
The only thing I'm still not clear on is why Luke chose to project a younger version of himself, since it seems like that would risk Kylo seeing through his ruse too early. Not to mention the audience watching the movie.
I'm sure Kylo would have been just as pissed to see an older and grayer Luke as the younger one. And it would have probably made the final reveal even more surprising and unexpected than it was.
I once watched a fan video that speculated why he went with his blue lightsaber as opposed to his green, and their rationale for this was he wasn't just projecting himself; he was projecting what he felt was the best version of himself. With his blue lightsaber, it perhaps represented to him a time in his journey when he was hopeful and full of life, and viewed as the "new hope" that would conquer Vader and his Emperor. Conversely, his green lightsaber was perhaps something that he felt that brought him shame, since it was the saber he ignited when he contemplated for a moment striking down Kylo. Made sense to me.
As far as his younger look goes, perhaps this same line of reasoning applies and he felt that the time between RotJ and when Kylo burned down the new Jedi Temple that he erected, was when he was at his strongest.
I once watched a fan video that speculated why he went with his blue lightsaber as opposed to his green, and their rationale for this was he wasn't just projecting himself; he was projecting what he felt was the best version of himself. With his blue lightsaber, it perhaps represented to him a time in his journey when he was hopeful and full of life, and viewed as the "new hope" that would conquer Vader and his Emperor. Conversely, his green lightsaber was perhaps something that he felt that brought him shame, since it was the saber he ignited when he contemplated for a moment striking down Kylo. Made sense to me.
As far as his younger look goes, perhaps this same line of reasoning applies and he felt that the time between RotJ and when Kylo burned down the new Jedi Temple that he erected, was when he was at his strongest.
I once watched a fan video that speculated why he went with his blue lightsaber as opposed to his green, and their rationale for this was he wasn't just projecting himself; he was projecting what he felt was the best version of himself. With his blue lightsaber, it perhaps represented to him a time in his journey when he was hopeful and full of life, and viewed as the "new hope" that would conquer Vader and his Emperor. Conversely, his green lightsaber was perhaps something that he felt that brought him shame, since it was the saber he ignited when he contemplated for a moment striking down Kylo. Made sense to me.
As far as his younger look goes, perhaps this same line of reasoning applies and he felt that the time between RotJ and when Kylo burned down the new Jedi Temple that he erected, was when he was at his strongest.
Yeah I guess that makes sense, and Rian has said that the point of the scene was for Luke to inspire a new generation of Jedi, so something closer to his Jedi Knight look would probably do that a lot better. And plus Hamill may well have tried the Crait outfit with the grayer hair and beard and they decided that it just didn't work as well visually.
That's what I was thinking too. Also, the blue saber is him accepting the sword from Rey that he refuses twice prior in the movie. I kinda thought it would piss Kylo off more too to see Luke "at his best" and unwavered by Kylo's betrayal.
It's a bit like an online dating profile. If it's a choice of Just for Men or not, you always go with the more youthful look.
Older looking people do not make for good inspirational images.
We gotta do a reality check here though - it's a kinda out-there idea that Kylo would have been less "pissed off" if Luke had a grey/dark hair mix (Hamill really hasn't gone all that grey other than parts of his beard) and a green saber.
None of this - the idea of Luke with darkened hair/beard or using the blue saber - really in any way explains the creative choice for those things. The truth is, onlookers would have been every bit as inspired by Luke with greyish hair and a green saber, and Kylo would have 100% behaved in the same way toward Luke.
IMO The figure would actually look better with the TLJ headsculpt if they just changed the hair lol. This one looks a pudgy middle school band teacher.