Probably because release is imminent.
I hope.
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Fair point.Dooku and Yoda were there, both released.
It’s too bad Hot Toys never updated the head sculpt on this. I was honestly holding out hope.
What evidence is there to suggest they haven't? They improved TLJ Leia's head sculpt between proto and final release for example.
It’s not out of the realm of possibility, but usually they announce such changes well before release.
I’m sure they didn’t with Leia, it wasn’t until the final product pics went up on day of release.
That’s why I said “usually”.
Off the top of my head:I also don’t recall them “usually” announcing changes before final release. Unless the figure is shown at conventions leading up to release. Can you give some examples of those figures which have had announced changes prior to release?
Off the top of my head:
Endgame Cap - updated headsculpt
Endgame Iron Man - updated headsculpt
Ragnarok Hulk - outfit improvements
BVS Batman - outfit omprovements
Hulkbuster - various improvements
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I wouldn't know with Marvel tbh, but I can't recall any Star Wars. I'm not saying you're wrong, I genuinely can't remember them doing it with Star Wars. Anyway, back to the head sculpt. Honestly, I'm one of those who think that the prototype was damn near perfect, but if there's improvements to be made then I'm sure they'll make them. Hot Toys never really let us down when it comes to the senior citizen head sculpts. The TLJ Luke, for example, is stunning.