Super Freak
nice t700 bro..
Very happy with the level of detail and intricacy and overall finish.
Decided he needed a wartorn base rather than the standard industrial styled base he came with.
I made this from scratch - the brick wall is a rectangular block of plaster of paris - used a ruler to engrave the brick work, then systematically broke it up to make the ruined feature. The rusting circular wheel / grate is a vent from a broken hair dryer. The metal mesh is scraps left over after putting some grills on my car.
Very hard to photograph well to bring out the detail, and some angles makes it look smaller than it is relative to the figure;
Hey guys a quick question. whats the difference between the regular T-600 and the Martin lang version?Is it just the lighted up base?thanks
My T-600. Very happy with it. =]
My T-600. Very happy with it. =]
I start off with simple color tweaking in Adobe Lightroom 2, and then move to Adobe Photoshop CS5 for all the post processing.
Here's a what the original looked like...
If you guys want, check out the rest of me and my girlfriend's photos... https://flickr.com/wickettoys