WE need some more pics here of two-face!! or vids. doesn't really matter. Someone posted a vid of the whole collection on youtube. check it out.
Hot Toys is tough with photo threads. Only a small handful get him to start from overseas dealers, takes another month before the majority have them, and with Batman, the DCD deal where they come much later makes it even screwier.
Trust me, when I get my Two-Face there'll be no shortage of photo content here.
This figure looks fine as is to me, I think what brings me to wanting this figure pretty bad is not only that its Hot Toys, this guy did a hell of a job as Harvey/Two Face in this movie.
True. I was hoping for more duality and inability to make decisions on his own without the coin. One of my favorite moments in Arkham Asylum was the way his therapist tries to deal with this problem by giving him Terot cards. He looses the ability to decide to urinate, too many outcomes. More of this kind of inability to make decisions would have been great, maybe not to the extent of peeing himself, but you get the picture.
I think saving more of Two-Face for a third film would have been beneficial to the character, but as it stands, I'm still very satisfied with the choices Nolan made.
One cool thing i noticed the last time I watched TDK, did anyone else get the impression that after Two-Face flips the coin for his own fate and it lands clean side up he looks slightly disappointed? Almost like he doesn't want to kill the kid but is forced to because of the fate the coin has given him? That's the impression I got and I actually like it better that way as it still shows the duality Harvey is dealing with. I maybe reading too much into it![]()
Yeah, it does seem like he's somewhat uncomfortable with accepting the coin's "choice". That's another way to me that the Nolanverse version of Harvey differs- with comic book Harvey, he's a threat that lives to fight another day. With TDK's Harvey, he's not a villain, he's a tragic character- bad things just keep pushing him and pushing him into a more desperate place where he is no longer able to stop the ball rolling, and he doesn't care what happens to himself. Just looking at him, I would think his disfigurement would be fatal left untreated- I think infection or gangrene would set in. He knew he was going to die, and he was going to get some revenge before he did. I think death was probably a welcome release for him. He just isn't the comic book Two-Face really in any way. That's what I think makes the Nolan films so good- he finds a way to make these garish villains make sense. The Joker/Mob angle was genius.
i like what you've said. I was thinking about two-face for a bit this morning and all of his post-scarring rampaging...well...no one called him 'two-face' and he didnt go out and fashion a suit for himself and have a lair split into a good and bad side. Everyone was calling him harvey, and that really struck a chord. instead of a split personality we get the raging anti-hero side of harvey that we saw while he interrogated the goon in the alley. And it never really strays from crime drama by heading into bond villain territory...all of his scenes are confrontations with people 'responsible' for what happened to him, interrogating them for more information almost like a twisted detective or dirty harry story.
also it never really occured to me...what joker did to harvey is exactly what he tried to do to gordon in the killing joke, except with harvey he succeeds.
IOne cool thing i noticed the last time I watched TDK, did anyone else get the impression that after Two-Face flips the coin for his own fate and it lands clean side up he looks slightly disappointed? Almost like he doesn't want to kill the kid but is forced to because of the fate the coin has given him? That's the impression I got and I actually like it better that way as it still shows the duality Harvey is dealing with. I maybe reading too much into it![]()
so...um....more pictures? Or a U.S. release date? This discussion of the characterization of Dent is great and all, but I really want more pictures!