Maulfan, just had a look through all your pics............speechless, keep them coming already

fantastic work man. So are you liking him, everything you expected? See what i mean, he's much more matte looking in hand without all that mattel looking gloss huh?!
Overall, I'm very happy I finally have this figure, and I'm really enjoying him, but I will say some of the things that bother me nag me in doing my work.
Harvey's portrait is fantastic, great likeness, great paint, wonderful sculpting, my only issue with it is the expression choice. Given that the concept of this figure is a 2 in 1 set, I think it would have been a powerful contrast if the Harvey portrait were more smiling and embodied the charismatic, charming politician side of the character instead of two pissed off portraits.
Something like this:
Where the HT portrait is really only suitable for this scene:
The Two-Face sculpt, while not 100% movie accurrate, is really nice. The paint apps are well done, even if not dead on acccurrate, it'd be far worse to be inaccurrate and poorly done. It could be better, but overall I'm quite happy with it.
Two-Face's coat is really the only gripe I have with this figure. Based on having it, I can only comment on what I can perceive, which is that running the burns over to the right side of the coat up by the collar is the problem, but it could be overall tailoring. The burning makes the collar really stiff on the good side even and posing makes the collar area of the figure poof out and make unnatural folds and can be a pain trying to make the figure look good in photos. Other than that detail though, I have no problem. The melted effect is incredible, really well done, I feared how it'd turn out in production not knowing much about their method, but it worked. The cloth on both jackets and the pants is really nice.
A big highlight for me on the figure is the pants, it's the first suited figure I own where the pants have that business suit look, particularly at the bottoms, I don't know how to describe it but it looks sharp.
My only other real gripe, which pertains to the TDK line as a whole is the TrueType body. I realize that when you mass produce figures on the same body, you're bound to get varying results. Both Jokers looks just fine on it to me, but TDK suit Batman and Two-Face both highlight the TT being too broad in the upper body, I can only imagine how big TDK Bats would look if they hadn't modded the shoulders. I don't know much about making figures, but I have to think that having 2 or 3 size options in the build of the TT would be feasible and give HT options for having a body best suited for each character and costume.
Between the broad size of the TT and Two-Face's overall look because of it and Eckhart having a more slender head, the head of this figure and the rest of it are a mismatch, but the head's in scale so HT couldn't have made it bigger to match the body without the whole figure mismatching everything else in the line. I can't fault Two-Face for this fact though, again it's an overall HT body gripe I have, their body is great for holding posing and all that but on some figures it's just atrocious in appearance.
Looks better than the Freddy, and could be the lighting, but the red looks a bit too vibrant to me, just doesn't quite seem right, the patterns are good, just the tone almost looks like a red you'd use for a sports car, one thing I'm not a fan of with the red on the production figure.