I don't know how folks have attached the button, as it come from the factory, there is no way, it's just made to be held or whatever.
Well, I would wait to see if their date gets updated, it's possible June was just an overestimate, but they have been about a month or two behind HK dealers and Toys2 though.
Very nice pic, MaulFan.
I couldn't help but notice though, are your BR Joker eyes looking in slightly different directions? Maybe it's just because of the shadow over his right eye though.
I tried not to overdo it, but added detail to the line separating the scarred side and adding some red to more of the scarred areas. For the shirt, I used the method Maulfan recommended. I used black and burnt umber and mixed with water in a glass. Then it's as simple as getting the shirt wet with the water, adding a LITTLE direct paint to areas you want darker (like around the collar). Let dry and viola.
Overall, I'm very happy I finally have this figure, and I'm really enjoying him, but I will say some of the things that bother me nag me in doing my work.
Harvey's portrait is fantastic, great likeness, great paint, wonderful sculpting, my only issue with it is the expression choice. Given that the concept of this figure is a 2 in 1 set, I think it would have been a powerful contrast if the Harvey portrait were more smiling and embodied the charismatic, charming politician side of the character instead of two pissed off portraits.
Two-Face's coat is really the only gripe I have with this figure. Based on having it, I can only comment on what I can perceive, which is that running the burns over to the right side of the coat up by the collar is the problem, but it could be overall tailoring. The burning makes the collar really stiff on the good side even and posing makes the collar area of the figure poof out and make unnatural folds and can be a pain trying to make the figure look good in photos. Other than that detail though, I have no problem. The melted effect is incredible, really well done, I feared how it'd turn out in production not knowing much about their method, but it worked. The cloth on both jackets and the pants is really nice.
cheers man, i'm definately doing the shirt method, not enough guts to have a go at the head but, dont want to wreck it
what type of paint for the shirt, just any type of hobby acrylic paint, tamiya for eg?
Yeah i know what you mean about the stiff coat, i was wondering if perhaps i could iron it out......somehow. how do you like the tie? i thought it was good at first, but i cannot put it where i want it at all, it goes where it wants. They really should have kept that, the cottony look from the promo pics.
Pics are crazy again btw![]()
I plan on putting a wire through my Two Face's collar once he arrives. One of those trash bag twistie-ties stripped of the plastic should do the trick. It might also be useful for the tie if it's causing problems.
Hearing about the gripes with the burned coat, am I the only one who plans to use the regular Dent coat with the Two-Face head? I think it'll look fine, even though it won't be accurate...