Super Freak
Oh I know, I was just being humorous
Connor no but you never know about Marcus. Both Connors should sell well because of the Bale factor.
Most discounted, perhaps, but all the figures except original suit Bats have gone way down in price. Partly due to the economy, but also partly due to the announcement of the DX figures (2 Face excluded because he isn't as popular, as you say).Well, Two-Face has seemed unpopular, even after release, he's probably the most, if only, discounted TDK figure. Marcus and Connor seem well received all around, not sure they'll be following Two-Face's footsteps.
The figure would have been more popular if they included a third head. Not movie accurate, but I'd buy it.
The figure would have been more popular if they included a third head. Not movie accurate, but I'd buy it.
The figure would have been more popular if they included a third head. Not movie accurate, but I'd buy it.
Without knowing Nolan's vision, I don't see Joker as something that needs to come back to drive the story, he seems like a stop along the path Batman's taking. Rachel was more key because she was an element that drove him on that path and she was a significant tie to normality for Bruce. As far as Joker's role, I don't think anything established in TDK lines him up as critical to Batman's character arc and can easily be written off as just the character in his darkest hour and move on.
I'm not sure how I feel about Two-Face coming back, as Nolan portrayed him, he felt like a one film deal, had he been kept the more split persona of comics and the old cartoon, it would be nice to explore that more, but I'm not sure where else you could take Nolan's Two-Face, he seemed more driven on vengeance until it consumed him.
I've always felt the cover-up at the end of TDK would come back to haunt Batman and Gordon. And the only real way for that to happen would be to have the truth about Harvey come out. And unless Harvey were still alive to do that, I don't know how a storyline like that would work. But I think it would be a good storyline because it would cast doubt in everything Gotham believes in. Harvey was their white knight and if he could fall, then who couldn't? That is when Batman steps in to become the hero Gotham needs and deserves.
Just a thought.
See, I kinda see it like you do too considering the Joker's role in Batman's development. Yeah, there was that whole "you and I are destined to do this forever" part but I can't wrap my head around how Nolan--even if Heath was still around--could use that character in such a way that it's not repetive to what was so wonderfully and uniquely set up onscreen. Nolan doesn't seem to like to repeat the same theme and villains in his Batman movies aside from the main theme of escalation in both films. Even Scarecrow barely got a cameo as it is but it was simply to connect the two films of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight together it seems for those unfamiliar.
I'm sure something interesting could be done, Joker can function in the background and drive others. I just think, thankfully, he wasn't presented in TDK such that you expect him to be there longterm at the forefront, he can exist as a conversation piece about him at Arkham and be enough to keep him around but nothing in TDK suggests if you don't see Joker in the next movie, something's missing, not like Rachel who was a key tie to Bruce's life.