Super Freak
Really hope Bbts gets this very early October. All these pics and such are making me real anxious!
Sorry to keep nagging but Comic America still has him at retail. Does anyone have experience with them?
Comics America
Just got the e-mail and seriously thinking about doing that myself.
Ht laughs at the competition- and rightly so. They are producing the finest Batman figure ever done with this- sell $$$$$ Iron Man and are the top of the top.
EB is competition but only in the slightest way. PI has proven , to me, to be vastly inferior in what they have done and what they preview.
Anywhere other than that Comics America place still offering this for sale?
I squeezed in just in time and snagged one. So now I got one coming from SSc and the other from BBTS. The race is on!!!
That's just with my personal dealings with the owner. I wouldn't want my experience detract you from picking up this figure at a fair price ( before he jacks it up).
Personally I'd wait for the WL slots to open up again at SSC, keep on checking Midtown comics for their allotments, or wait for BBTS to get theirs and pay the post PO price.
I'd watch this link like a hawk.
It's back on waitlist for SSC. I wonder, should I apply for the waitlist again or wait a bit first to see if the EX converts since some people's waitlists converted recently? I feel bad always waitlisting then cancelling shortly after.
I'm just holding out for my exclusive waitlist. I got on pretty late but hopefully when peoples regulars get converted they'll cancel the exclusive. I'll have a regular from Bbts for sure but I kind of want the cowl, it would be my first hot toys sideshow exclusive!