Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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Thanks for clarifying how the boots are one piece.:yess: That was my only issue besides the cape. Guess I'll be posing mine without it until I get a custom one.
Wow, the scales are really off. The Enterbay makes this one look like a short medicom figure.

So which one is true 1/4 scale? Is the Hot Toys too small or is the Enterbay too big?

Totally. So when HT make their 1:4 Police Shootout T-800 we can expect it to be smaller than the Enterbay figures. I gave them the benefit of the doubt with the endoskeleton but I guess this confirms that they just have a different idea about what 1:4 is. Oh well.
Concerning scale:

According to retaane's pics, the HT figure is about 17.75 inches and the EB is about 18.25 inches.

This translates to:

HT - 5'11"
EB - 6'1"

That's if my calculations are correct.
Looks more like the Enterbay is pushing 6'3" and the Hot Toys is a 5'9" guy. They're not even at the same eye level, not to mention the ears and neck. Height isn't the only thing either, the Enderbay looks like a bigger dude, head, shoulders arms and all.

The Endoskeleton is passable, it's a skeleton, but this? Eh, they look really awkward and unnatural next to each other. This is supposed to be a the same man in a different suit afterall. The Hot Toys one looks great, but the proportions and size of the Enterbay one look more anatomically correct and more human. Especially the torso and arms.
So guys...what are we expecting in terms of being able to get this figure down the line? I see that, on BBTS for example, the Enterbay 1/4 Batman is still in stock--and that came out over a year ago I believe.

Will second and third shipments several months from now pop up on sites like BBTS and be in stock like the Enterbay, or do you think that if you didn't originally pre-order it, it's sort of gone forever (outside of eBay, of course)?

As fantastic as this looks, I wouldn't mind waiting 6 or 8 months to get it, just wondering if that's a possibility.
Isn't Bale 6.0'? That would make EB be right on the money, not HT. DK suit looks way too short when next to EB.
So what, I won't display them together then. Doesn't take the wow factor of this figure for me, they are both amazing.
The scales are supposed to be off....why on earth would batman create the same suit after the last?

I didn't know having a new suit made for you would dramatically alter the molecules as well as your generic make up in your body and make you noticeably smaller!:panic:

Especially when your new suit has the same exact boots! :panic:
The scale don't bother me none. This will be my only 1/4 scale fig anyway. Unless HT does a MOS superman some day . But after seeing this video it makes me want him even more. He looks great. It's hard to look at my dx12 now :lol
The scales are supposed to be off....why on earth would batman create the same suit after the last?

Not when the shoulder levels are THAT off. It looks like a totally different dude is wearing the DK suit when displayed together.
IMO EB got the scale right, not HT.
Will it affect my purchase? Hell no,
Weird. In this one they look pretty close with the EB only being slightly taller.


But in these the EB looks a whole forehead taller, plus it has weird proportions even when you just compare it to itself and completely ignore the HT in the frame.

Look at the neck. On top of being super long and giraffe, it looks like the EB head is not fully seated on the body, and the head itself looks slighty too big for the body. It's clear that the EB is bigger, but these pics seem to exaggerate the difference in size even more.

The EB always looked a little too svelte to me to be the BB-suited Batman, who appeared much beefier in the films. Then there's the already mentioned fact that the TDK/R suit was designed to look lighter faster and more flexible than the BB suit. Maybe the HT is a little undersized, but to my eyes the EB is not quite beefy or "wide" looking enough to match it's own height.
Nothing to do with the figure, but it's still pretty cool :) Christian Bale's audition for Batman Begins wearing the batman forever costume with Amy Adams (Lois Lane) I like this voice a lot more :)

OMG that is awesome. Some of it almost seems like a Funny or Die video though....even so, it's great to see that as absurd as he looks in that suit (and slightly overweight too....I see why they teased him with "Fatman"), he's taking it completely seriously. Responding to "You serve Gotham?" with a line like "I serve justice" is pretty corny and over the top, I think, glad they changed that...but he still delivered that lame line well. Amazing actor.
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