As much as HT's been working at using bodies well suited to the character at hand, I don't see them doing a body that only gets use for one figure like this Sarah could use. Honestly, can anyone think of another character that could use a body like T2 Linda's build? If the body's only good for T2 Sarah, then HT's not likely to make one just like hers when a recycled body is close enough. Wolverine's body works well for him, but it's not as bulky as Hugh Jackman was and so it can and has been used for Comedian and likely someone else. Even the new T-800 body will probably be used at least one more time with T2 and may be used for any T1 figures if they go there. It seems like it's too costly, be it money or resources, to do unique bodies for each figure, so even with the newer ones, recycle capacity is a factor.