If Hot Toys has the rights for Arnold's likeness does it mean they also have Michael Biehn likeness rights? I know Biehn wasn't in the theatrical release but he is in the special edition.
I hope we do get both John Connor youth as well as the Future John from T2.
I would imagine Biehn wasn't contracted for likeness rights given the small nature of his scene. With the 4 core people, you knew for sure they were in the story to the end and it was smart to get their rights, but Biehn was a small scene that didnt' have toy/marketing value back then so I imagine they didn't have the vision to get it from him.
When next year is this due for release?...
I haven't seen you get answered and if you were, can't hurt twice, someone posted when the first images showed up that it looked slated for April in the HK, which given the simplicity of the set seems doable.