Here on the Perimeter
Those pics seem a bit washed out. I'm sure with a Yulli Sculpt, JC paint apps and better pics, this will look pretty badass. Much like the leaked SSC Prod pic.
Another bit of information: HT is currently working with Sideshow on further T2 characters. Sarah Connor is all but confirmed (take that with a grain of salt), and a T-1000 and damaged T-800 is to be determined (which hopefully means yes).
This figure is insane!
But can someone catch me up. I read quickly through the last 6 pages, really just wanted to see the pics... so is it actually confirmed that they are doing a Sarah Connor? And the T-1000? Basically they are redoing the entire Sideshow line?
I'm really shocked that they've confirmed Sarah if so. But that's great news.
What's that pic from?
EDIT: Never mind I seen'd it.
I haven't seen the source.
Can someone please direct me to it.
Another bit of information: HT is currently working with Sideshow on further T2 characters. Sarah Connor is all but confirmed (take that with a grain of salt), and a T-1000 and damaged T-800 is to be determined (which hopefully means yes).
I haven't seen the source.
Can someone please direct me to it.
Thanks Roy bud.
JC is just a painter.. so probably Yulli.
He's looking very good... and I would never say JC is JUST a painter!