Damn, I need one... now.
The vulture aspect, the T-800 appearance once was before public in Japan's propaganda playbill, is actually criticized is a mass of cuts and bruises. This photography's Prototype, the appearance has revised obviously after Master Yulli, stops the cheeks not only inward micro concavely, both eyes also become profounder, looks like is more intrepid. The fitting is another selling point, representative black ultra is not certainly short, what most incessantly is the company collects the shrapnel gun's rose box and flower also one and offers, good repeats the hospital to save others one. It is known that HT will cooperate with Side Show the entire T2 series, will have in the future also more roles to be taken to the threshing ground, will know Sarah Connor to promote ironclad temporarily, but T-1000 or rotten face version T-800 on the time undetermined, according to the HT convention, will pack the latter's opportunity by the DX series to be very big.
the skin tone in these newer photos could actually just be the lighting , it looks darker to me in the first images.
Absolute WIN!
Cool shot:
Arnie looks huge compared to Wolverine. And Wolverine is closer to the camera so side by side he'd be even smaller.
Some critical comments.............
- The length of the hair. Spike is good, but it is a tad too short. makes him look more like a joe rather than t800. And what i believe is that there is an upward curve to his hair style rather than just a short crude crop.
Some critical comments.............
-I am not liking the hairline... it makes the head too squarish. Looks more like the T1000 hairstyle rather than T800. Base on the attached pics, arnie does not have a that straight hairline for the forehead and temple.
- The length of the hair. Spike is good, but it is a tad too short. makes him look more like a joe rather than t800. And what i believe is that there is an upward curve to his hair style rather than just a short crude crop.
- The arms. The bulk of the arms look ok with the black jacket on. But when the jacket is remove to show the world arm, I am a bit disappointed. Where are the muscles? Veins? It is arnie we are talking about Then Mr Olympia!!!!!! not a a bloke who has just went for only a few sessions of gym. HT please dont do a slip shod job by giving us those arms. Give me a Mr Olympia arms.
- Joints. Good as it is not using a full rubber arm like dutch, but the joints and the seams which seals the arm pieces are abit too intrusive. It affects the aesthetics to some extent.
- Skin colour. Arnie is not a guy who will keep of the sun. He looks too white. Where is the tan?