Nerf Herder
houston...............we made contact.................
i love you sarah.............![]()

houston...............we made contact.................
i love you sarah.............![]()
I could kiss you Barry! These pics make me damn happy this figure is on the way.
I could kiss you Barry! These pics make me damn happy this figure is on the way.
Not like you actually need an excuse.![]()
Can't agree there. The T-1000 version of Sarah, which most people think is better will go against the regular version retaining the value. I can see that dropping, not the T-800.I think it'll be the other way around. I think Sarah will hold her value, but the T-800 wont. Once the BD version is released, he'll drop just like Hot Toys first TDK new suit Batman did with everybody dumping their duplicate bashed Cyberdine for the official one.
I agree man. I don't dig it for some reason. Maybe my mind is just telling me "that's not how the figure was intended so it's not right"The pics of Arnie with the minigun just aren't doing it for me. Theres a distinct possibility that I'll just go for his cyberdyne look with the m79 and the grenade-bandolier when HT make those parts. I'm satisfied enough with the neca 7" to represent the mini-gun scene.
Totally.... I just made a million excuses as to why I should not buy this, now I'm happy I did.![]()
The T-800 is thought of as one of Hot Toys best figures, if not the best and is the only figure worth getting to represent the full look of Arnie from T2. I can't see people getting rid of their figures just because they have it equipped with a bandolier, grenade launcher, minigun etc. If they have any sense, they'd just strip the current figure of the cyberdyne gear and display it as it was intended. Leave the cyberdyne look for the eventual cyberdyne figure.
Can't agree there. The T-1000 version of Sarah, which most people think is better will go against the regular version retaining the value. I can see that dropping, not the T-800.
The T-800 is thought of as one of Hot Toys best figures, if not the best and is the only figure worth getting to represent the full look of Arnie from T2. I can't see people getting rid of their figures just because they have it equipped with a bandolier, grenade launcher, minigun etc. If they have any sense, they'd just strip the current figure of the cyberdyne gear and display it as it was intended. Leave the cyberdyne look for the eventual cyberdyne figure.
houston...............we made contact.................
i love you sarah.............![]()
Nice photo's barryo.
I can't help noticing that the pants look weathered on your one. Is that how it came or did you do it yourself? I only ask as on my one they are plain black.
As in "need an excuse" to kiss Barry.![]()
Flawed logic. Wait until the fanboy new figure creampies wear off. He's a great figure, no doubt but far from their best. Plus he's very barebones and the BD version will come with all the bells and whistles. I think the T-1000 is a good example of what we'll get with the BD T-800. When that happens, posing the BD with the mini gun, or aiming the M72 w/45 in his right hand will be more iconic than this plane jane version. And with a 2nd batch coming, he'll definitely be an overkill. Look to see him going for lower in about a year or so.
You will never pry BR Joker from my collection![]()
Just like the Bank Robber Joker to DX. Short memories most people have. Everyone praised it like it was the god of all. Once the DX was revealed the Bank Robber got trashed and sent to the shredder.
I picked one up for 1oo bucks last year... The best figure I've ever gotten for such a low price.