Wtf paramore those look like they're 1:1. I'm gonna try and see how many people I can fool with those.
amasing sculpt! spot on! captures the character perfectly. must have for any MIB fan.
but you're visiting Hot Toys Gynysys Grandpanator thread, what face do you expect seeing hereI'm sick of seeing Tommy Lee Jones ugly ass face every time I click on this thread!![]()
It seems Hot Toys thinks Arnie has gotten taller with age. Granted I did put my DX13s on short footpegs but Pops (with his short footpegs) is taller than DX10 who I left on his stock long pegs. So Pops is as short as he can possibly be and DX10 is as tall as he can possibly be and Pops is taller.
It seems Hot Toys thinks Arnie has gotten taller with age. Granted I did put my DX13s on short footpegs but Pops (with his short footpegs) is taller than DX10 who I left on his stock long pegs. So Pops is as short as he can possibly be and DX10 is as tall as he can possibly be and Pops is taller.
What are your thoughts on the figure as a whole though a-dev? Best arnie so far?
It's certainly high quality and the most lifelike Arnie figure so far from Hot Toys. The tailoring is excellent, the jacket doesn't appear to need any futzing and adjustments and the sculpting detail and paint are just incredible.
Any suggestion that it looks ''nothing like'' Arnie can be dismissed. It clearly has enough to garner it instant recognition as Arnold by anyone you show it to. That's not to say that it is therefore ''perfect''. Things can still be wrong while giving the overall impression of who it is. So I'm not going to give a final judgement on that till I've had for a while and gotten more used to looking at old Arnie in Terminator Genisys. I think his nose may be a bit too bulbous for example and I'm also wondering if the area between the nose and the upper lip is too long - yet I wouldn't necessarily want to make the face overall shorter so would I shorten that area by raising the mouth and therefore making his chin longer? One day I might play around with some pics of the sculpt to test that out. The tiniest adjustment could make a big difference.
The eyes look like the eyes of old Arnold and yet they may not look like a given screengrab from the movie where they happen to be open a bit wider or he looks more stern. They're his governator eyes perhaps moreso than Terminator eyes.
Maybe the sculpt is off in some ways, but so is the DX13 and people regard that as spot-on. DX13 has enough there to give it an instant recognition factor while having things that hold it back from true perfection. I can say that there's a number of things about this Pops sculpt that are better than DX13. The hair for one thing - yeah I know he has longer hair in Genisys but this figure does so much better a job of sculpting it than DX13 does for his T2 hair. And the shape of Arnie's skull in profile view is much more accurate here than on DX13 with it's bulbous rear cranium. The cuts for the ball-joint head are also done a bit more naturally on this one. They use the shape of old Arnie's jaw to better effect to make the gaps less obvious. Also, DX13 has the visible seam where you remove the back of the head to access the PERS which contributes to that figure looking more toy-like compared to Guardian.
What else can I say about it...well, it's pretty barebones, you all know that. Pity it couldn't come with more. As has been said they probably didn't have enough reference material from the movie by the time they had to have the figure done. It is what it is.
I'm considering padding him out a bit somehow. I think he's a bit flat on the front compared to his appearance in the movie. I don't want to totally eliminate the way the T-shirt forms a contour underneath his manchest though so I'd have to figure out how to avoid doing that.
I love the box, that's getting displayed. The white borders are smooth but everything else is textured, very nice. Really cool image of Arnie even though it's not the version of him we got as a figure.