Man....I just want Bespin Han and C3PO.
Looks like Echo is the only one thats certain since the others are out of focus. He looks amazing in figure form though.
Agreed. I don’t think the whole team is a given. Hot Toys has a ton of incomplete lines.
I think they’ll see how well received the show will be and how well merchandise sells.
I doubt it will hit The Mandalorian levels of pop culture cash raking. I was half expecting Hot Toys to not make anything from this show.
Echo feels like he was chosen to be first since he’s a safe bet. Maybe Hunter. The rest, maybe.
I am not a huge fan of them and would’ve preferred Delta squad or similar in their place. But they have somewhat grown on me and I think the show will end up being alright.
I was expecting Mandalorian Luke, or ROTJ Vader, or something other than the flavour of the month Clone repaints... I hope that's not all they'll show this week.
That was my thinking. Bespin Han, Bespin Luke 2.0. Is it too much to ask? I won't even beg for Veers anymore and I'll stick with my SSC C3PO
Congrats to those that want these guys...but for now,my heart and head say no.
Not really exited about this announcement without even having seen the show...