I’ll chimes little on my thoughts on the film,
since I sort of prompted it, I guess

I didn’t wanna totally derail the thread, but it think we’re in relatively safe waters as it were (no Gotham sea wall flooding puns intended).
I love movie, which isn’t to say I think it’s perfect, I can certainly differentiate between my subjective feelings and the objective material.
The scenes after the opening with Riddler, the whole sequence with Batman’s V.O. building up to him confronting those goons at the train station is pitch perfect Batman. That’s most Batman scene we’ve ever seen on screen, in my opinion. You could cut that scene from where it starts until you see Batman step out of the shadows, and people would have thought that was the best made Batman fan film ever done.
It IS a slow movie, I can’t disagree with that, but I personally love it because being a detective like that something's we haven’t seen Batman do on film before.
At this point in the story, he has no interest in being Bruce Wayne, he’s completely driven to only be out there being Batman. We see him go to the funeral as Bruce, but he tell Alfred that he’s doing it to work the case. So rather than Batman being an alter ego of Bruce Wayne, this fim presents us with opposite- Bruce has become a costume Batman puts on. And he’s still early in his career. Through the course of the movie I think he learned some valuable lessons that we’ll
see in part II.
I’m okay with not getting a real kind of Catwoman suit in the movie, the whole basically acts as an origin for to become Catwoman, so it makes sense that she wouldn’t have one yet.
There’s always a lot of talking (I haven’t seen any here yet, thankfully) about him tanking to many hits, but it’s totally possible with new ballistic armor technology, just really expensive. But he can afford that

It DOES slow down a little towards the end, but that didn’t bother me as much as the scene with “the joker” did. That I couldn’t have done completely without, other than it gives us a little closure on Riddler’s story. That could still have been done a different way, because im seriously Jokered out at this point. No more, please.
I’d be so psyched to see Hush as a villain in the second one. Or a more deep cut like Mr. Szasz.
I just want to see more grounded takes on the villains and have them lean more into crazy serial killer territory than Jim Carrey doing shenanigans in green tights. And please Matt Reeves, I know you’re reading this, please don’t have the villain dance around. I can’t even take The Joker seriously anymore after realizing that 80% of that movie is just Joaquin dancing.