I know being called a "dummy" is hardly name calling, but it made me think... This thread has raise some very different opinions, all of which are valid.
Seems to me, most of the posters fall into one of three catagories;
1) Let's send loads of emails in the
small chance that it might help get the figure made, while bumping this thread to give others an opportunity to discuss.
2) Emails are a waste of time, but it ain't hurtin' no-one.
3) Pestering HT repeatedly is detrimental to the cause and will result in the figure being delayed/not made.
Personally I fall into number one. Don't see there being any harm in it and who knows, it might help.
To all of you in group number two - Let's agree to differ, if this thread bugs you whenever it appears on page 1, ignore it. It'll soon drop back to page 3 where it has a small warm place it resides in most of the time!
To everyone in group three... Your concerns are more important. If I felt that way this thread would really annoy me. However in response I would like to point out that I have been sending emails via Hot Toys own feedback page on their website. Nowhere does it say "Only one email per person per topic" They are actively requesting feedback. We are giving it.
If anyone from Hot Toys would like to reply asking me (or anyone else) to stop, believe me I would immediately!
I'm well aware that the emails most likely end up in the junk, but if there is a chance they might get through and do some good and while there is no evidence to the opposite, as far as I'm aware, I see no harm in continuing.
These forums are great. I have a lot of fun posting and reading all your comments. At the end of the day I'd like to see a Crow figure made, but I'm not loosing any sleep over it!
Now, back to real world and working on Bank Holiday!
