Hot Toys: The Dark Knight: 1/4 The Joker

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They should have freelanced Hossein Diba, KA Kim or Adam Gu if they're charging 500 plus per figure. But they still gave it to Yulli who hasn't gotten Ledger down since 08 and counting.
If I remember correctly, it came out that they wanted to get Adam to sculpt the DX11, but he didn’t want his sculpts mass-produced, or something to that effect.

Adam’s sculpting definitely would’ve made it an absolute grail piece. They hired Kato to do the clothes, so I think it’s pretty believable. That laughing head had been done by Adam before the DX11 too so I think that’s another good indicator.

Stupid question, but does he still do commisissions for Joker heads? It feels like every once in a while I’ll see a new one, despite him saying he’s “done” with the character. Is it just to increase demand?
I am sure I read somewhere on here they approached Adam Gu to do the QS Joker. 🤔
If I can remember correctly, what I read Hot toys didn’t want to pay the coin and he ended up doing prime one instead. No idea if that’s true or not
It’s interesting hearing all those rumours.
I am sure I read somewhere on here they approached Adam Gu to do the QS Joker. ��
If I can remember correctly, what I read Hot toys didn’t want to pay the coin and he ended up doing prime one instead. No idea if that’s true or not
It’s interesting hearing all those rumours.

I wouldn't be surprised because look how many people bought this anyways, so they knew they didn't have to shell out top dollar for this to sell. I don't think Prime could've gotten away with that.
Ledger’s face will be as close to hot toys as possible so if anyone doesn’t like, then just cancel your preorder and wait for bermejo statue joker, which is one of the best comic joker made, I am happy with the faces in this and have both the regular and exclusive preordered, will be happy to have this in my collection
The tailoring is bad, his style was much more baggy and the coat is too short and tight. The colors are too bright as well.

On a positive note, this is their best attempt sculpting-wise. But the hair-sculpt is almost unforgivable

He should also be about the same height as batman, but he seems to be shorter in the video, but that's just a minor nitpick.
If I remember correctly, it came out that they wanted to get Adam to sculpt the DX11, but he didn’t want his sculpts mass-produced, or something to that effect.

Adam’s sculpting definitely would’ve made it an absolute grail piece. They hired Kato to do the clothes, so I think it’s pretty believable. That laughing head had been done by Adam before the DX11 too so I think that’s another good indicator.

Stupid question, but does he still do commisissions for Joker heads? It feels like every once in a while I’ll see a new one, despite him saying he’s “done” with the character. Is it just to increase demand?

Correct they approached Adam Gu. But he said no.

He also said he felt bad for ‘stealing’ copyrighted material. And then went and sold under the radar for a while, then to anyone, for $6,500 a sculpt. :lol

But yeh, this should be miles better for the price.
Ledger’s face will be as close to hot toys as possible so if anyone doesn’t like, then just cancel your preorder and wait for bermejo statue joker, which is one of the best comic joker made, I am happy with the faces in this and have both the regular and exclusive preordered, will be happy to have this in my collection

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This turned out okay. For some reason I think the newer promo pics look better to me than the first set that were shown for pre-orders.
Iv got the exclusive coming & after not much under a 2 year wait I’m excited.
It looks great, not walk of the screen perfect that many here expect.
I think you have to realise this forum is called sideshow “freaks” for a reason.
There’s far fewer of us here than you think.
Each striving for perfection.
I’ve been in on this since the batman begins dark knight version way back when....
I personally can’t wait to have this version of the joker, far superior in my eyes to the dx11.
Iv had every hot toys joker and sold them all on apart from the bank robber joker 2.0
Maybe just stand back and look at what you can get for your money for a iconic joker look.
And it’s an articulated figure-how much better than that can it be!
Reminds me of me as kid

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Just a quick question for those complaining about him being too small, which he is for true 1/4 scale. Would you have preferred they made him a true 1/4 scale even though he would have towered over the QS001 Batman?

Their mistake was scaling Batman wrong in the first place but I'm glad they have kept the Joker in scale with him so they display well together.
Correct they approached Adam Gu. But he said no.

He also said he felt bad for ‘stealing’ copyrighted material. And then went and sold under the radar for a while, then to anyone, for $6,500 a sculpt. :lol

But yeh, this should be miles better for the price.

Are you getting one of these, Cap’n?
Just a quick question for those complaining about him being too small, which he is for true 1/4 scale. Would you have preferred they made him a true 1/4 scale even though he would have towered over the QS001 Batman?

Their mistake was scaling Batman wrong in the first place but I'm glad they have kept the Joker in scale with him so they display well together.

No, he should be the same height as Batman, who is just slightly smaller than Enterbay Joker. Judging from the video, HT Batman is a bit taller than HT Joker
Not a chance. Was hoping on an improved sculpt that may have swayed me but it’s awful.

Even the clothes are off in so many areas.


Yeah.. :lol


Mine only has one more small payment, and I really don’t want to lose the NRD - Plus I got the QS001 because I thought “shoot, they’re going to make a Joker to go with this then I’ll regret not getting Batman, huh?”

I think he’ll look decent enough with detolf lighting. I don’t hate the sculpt, it’s really just the absolute most boring head they could’ve possibly made. I’m glad they included the grenade rig though. I wish he came with the kebab or cocktail. :lol
Yeah.. :lol

View attachment 451084

Mine only has one more small payment, and I really don’t want to lose the NRD - Plus I got the QS001 because I thought “shoot, they’re going to make a Joker to go with this then I’ll regret not getting Batman, huh?”

I think he’ll look decent enough with detolf lighting. I don’t hate the sculpt, it’s really just the absolute most boring head they could’ve possibly made. I’m glad they included the grenade rig though. I wish he came with the kebab or cocktail. :lol


I hear ya man.
I reeeally don’t like how the back of his vest looks - especially when compared to the Enterbay. Yikes.

The sculpt is horribly boring but I still think it’s Hot Toys’ best attempt at Ledger Joker. Here’s something I put together while messing around.

View attachment 451020

View attachment 451021

The pictures of the actual figure are from FC4D’s review that was posted above.

This is the first time I’ve thought a figure would actually benefit from PERS.

Holy crap I thought that was the old Medicom RAH sculpt until I realized that was the new figure. :slap

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