I went with 0.220" acrylic. I bought from Curbell which has a remnants section on their site. My company does a bit of work with them so I saved by having it shipped through my companies loading dock.
For adhesive, weldon was impossible to find locally on a Saturday. I actually used the dissolved acrylic method. I watched a vid where a guy bonded two piece with nothing more than acetone. So, I did a combo of both. I dissolved some material in acetone until I had a nice consistency.. maybe like olive oil thick.. I applied this onthe edge with a hypodermic needle and then pressed it in place. In about 45 seconds it was strong enough to stand on its own at which time I then went back through with a different needle filled with straight acetone which wicked into all of the gaps. I doubt this first attempt is as nice as yours because I really did not take my time to sand edges to 1500 grit smooth.. but it's sturdy and as soon as I head to my mothers (where my cave temporarily is) I will be taking pics of the Pod and DX12 my little girls just gave me for Christmas