I dunno the new terminator trailer looks pretty epic to me. It looks a lot better then terminator 3 in fairness although its hard to judge just on a trailer.
You've gotta remember they have to do something new with the series. The days of a linear storyline died out with terminator 2. People keep harking on about a return to the future wars of terminator 1 or some sort of progression from the first 2 terminator films but we'll never get camerons style again with the terminator series and people just have to accept that. Its like people want to see the style of camerons terminator films translated into the present day. That can never be done however as it was a product of the time period of filmmaking. He was a perfectionist in terms of set design, directing and casting choices. Miniatures and prosthetics have all been replaced by cgi. It'll never have that authentic look and feel as it did with the first 2 terminator films.
It was good but that kind of filmmaking style died out in the mid 90's. Even Cameron himself wouldn't film the same way he did back in the early 80s or 90's if he was in charge of this movie.
The simple fact of the matter is the terminator storyline arc has run its course and did so as Cameron said himself with the end of terminator 2. There was just nowhere left to go with the series after that. Anything after that could be seen as a bonus to be enjoyed or something terrible.
I think just don't expect too much from the new film and you might be pleasantly surprised.