1/6 Hot Toys-The Terminator (T1)-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) 1/6 Scale Figure

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Re: Hot Toys-The Terminator (T1) MMS 238 T-800 (Battle Damaged Version) Figure

I think people need to relax a bit. These photos are a proto and we all know that HT changes things from then till release. I wouldn't take too much stock in how he looks now compared to when he is ready to come out. Not that HT figures are always perfect...which can be said for any toy company...but they do deliver more often then not.

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't, and sometimes when they do it ends up worse.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a kickarse T1 on my shelf, but for me, this isn't it. I'm not getting my hopes up. :(
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

I do think the MMS136 is a better likeness, particularly after Difab's comparison pics. I like the slightly angrier expression, though as someone said, the MMS sculpts may go a bit too far in that direction. But, I'm not to distressed about any of the issues brought up so far. Sculptors are human beings, and we aren't often going to get a pitch-perfect, 100% accurate sculpt. I do think my Commando modified MMS sculpt may work pretty well as an alternative to the eye damage only sculpt here, though. . .small size and all.

I think it's because, my opinion anyway, the 136 is slightly caricaturised, and Arnie has such a distinctive face that it gets away with it, and accentuates the likeness rather than detracts from it.
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

I wouldn't have expected anyone to say that since the strap on the MMS136 is a separate piece. The boots on my custom are from the MMS01
sell them to me!!!
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

Eh, I'm glad this isn't like the Ledger Joker. It makes every Terminator release all the more special.

Like I said in a Joker thread the other day, I'm not even sure what a great or accurate Ledger Joker even head looks like anymore. There have been so many official products and customs in the past 5 years that the market is literally flooded with them. They're all starting to look the same to me. Hot Toys, Enterbay, NECA, custom, whatever. I think Heath Ledger Joker is great, I love the character, but I've NEVER understood the obsession with all these headsculpts. I don't get it, never have. The V1 Hot Toys did and some of those early customs were the only bad ones really, they never looked like him. All these ones after that though? I know the little differences but it's like sensory overload now. They all sort of just blend together and there's nothing about them that stand out. It's especially evident with those crusty *** looking ones that people were/are shelling out big $$$ for. They look terrible, unrefined and dirty, especially with the "real" hair. The fact that people are still obsessed with all the different heads out there is beyond me. I used to be able to tell what was what, but now I just don't ****ing know. The market is completely over saturated ****ed with the character's head in pretty much all scales. It's over kill.

So far, I think every Hot Toys Terminator (since the first T2 they did) have been fantastic. Really. Even with little grumbles like the MMS 117's hardened, strained face or the DX 10's odd eyes and even the DX 13 "bronze" endo blood, they've all been extremely solid pieces in my opinion. They all have this stand out quality in my collection.

This MMS 238? I think we're being a little too *****y about it. It's not perfect, but what figure ever is? Hot Toys, Yuli and Co. have done more right here then wrong in my opinion. I knew as soon as I saw the announcement with pics that this was going to be special. I noticed as I was photoshopping and elongating the sculpts that there was still something extremely masterful about this prototype's headsculpt. Do the rounded, slightly squashed heads bother me a bit? Sure, but overall it's a really nice looking, realistic figure. This is exactly how I envisioned Hot Toys doing a "Police Shootout/Tanker Truck" figure. And honestly, I might get some slack for this, but how about 90% of the 1/6 Terminator community taking the MMS 136 alternate sculpt and customizing it to this look? They seemed genuinely happy with that but they NEVER really looked that appropriate honestly. The small gargoyles, the squashed/rounded head, the blood running down the left eye, the lack of pattern print on the grey tee. You could always tell that it was simply kitbashed and thrown together and not quite close to what it was supposed to resemble. This? This is miles ahead of those. It's not like it's a slight improvement, it's a lot.

Someone show me an officially licensed or custom/kitbashed T-800 that is better than this,






THAT is EXACTLY the kind of post that´s needed to throw doubters and nitpickers over the fence.

You picked the best screenshots for comparison and now I am even convinced that the sculpt is nearly spot on.
And with the right lighting and background this figure could be the spitting image of Arnold has he slaughters the police station.

Can´t wait to geth this.
Btw: What did OMG say on what day pics were coming?
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

but then I'd only have to go and buy some more!!!


When I first received them I wondered if they were recasts or just not Hot Toys as I was expecting the studded strap to be separate. Then I started looking at photos of the MMS01 and it put my mind at ease. Because then I knew I had a little bit of Hot Toys' history.:cool:
they could be easily a recast. there were wonderful times when some seller had LOTS of them, all recasted - he had "10 more left", "more than 10 more left" & so on always. and, as you bought them separately, they were 99% from that recast amount.
i bought them for all my figures, and they really had no difference with stock ones.
but today i'll need 6 more pairs, and that sucks. no, 7 more pairs, as my punk (who gives terminator his clothes) wears mms136 boots, and i recently added a "WRONG" figure to old collection.


i can replace yours with MMS136 variant and additional money!!!

wow you can give the font more than size 7.
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Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

I'm of the opinion that the only opinion that matters is your own. Since you're the one that's going to be displaying the figure for your own enjoyment.

Yet there's this need for consensus that some people have, so that they're not happy until everyone agrees that something is complete junk. And they'll beat you over the head for liking something they deem to be poor and unpopular.

It's all in the mind of the beholder.

Unless, of course, you're in the business of 'collecting' to make money. In that case it's likelythe opinion of the majority that matters.

Yeah, you´re right about that, man.

Of course I like the figure and DiFab´s post got me knocked over, but all in all it´s faily certain that the sculpts will be nearly perfected in the end and the few who don´t approve of this will be turned over...
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

Yet there's this need for consensus that some people have, so that they're not happy until everyone agrees that something is complete junk. And they'll beat you over the head for liking something they deem to be poor and unpopular.

It's all in the mind of the beholder.
i don't agree with you 100%.
while you are right about the problem existing in lots of life situations, here on collectors' forum i like when somebody shows me something that i either don't see or even contradict.
either i become totally confident that i'm right or i find something i didn't see before and agree that there is something good i didn't notice, both times i win :)

but now I know they're even better than the real thing, sorry but I think I'll keep them!!! :monkey3
no they are total **** actually, replace them immediately!!!
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

i must clarify that "i don't agree with you 100%" meant "i agree with you not 100% but less" and not "i totally don't" )
And throw into the mix the long months of waiting for a figure, during which various photos pop up under different lighting and photographic conditions, swaying people's vehement opinions one way or another like grass on a windy day!
and here's that quote again:
Right. Remember those stages of the Hot Toys preview to ownership life cycle?

1) Promo/pre-order pics come out, and everyone freaks at how awesome it is, and how glad they are that it will be made
2) Folks start nit-picking flaws, and several develop a view that the figure actually sucks
3) Much debate ensues for months leading to release
4) First production pics come out of unfutzed figure in terrible lighting, everyone freaks out, threatens to cancel, etc.
5) More in-hand pics are released; feelings are mixed
6) Arrives at owner's house, most are pleased
7) Time passes, dissatisfaction over dated product grows, customs are created, demands for revisiting figure is made, etc.
8) Wash, rinse, repeat
i think it needs an additional stage that you describe )
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Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

THAT is EXACTLY the kind of post that´s needed to throw doubters and nitpickers over the fence.

You picked the best screenshots for comparison and now I am even convinced that the sculpt is nearly spot on.
And with the right lighting and background this figure could be the spitting image of Arnold has he slaughters the police station.

Can´t wait to geth this.
Btw: What did OMG say on what day pics were coming?

I think you, and others, are looking at this figure through the first blush of love. I deliberately refrained from posting until at least 3-4 days after announcement for that reason. Excitement is the enemy of rationality.

At first, I was excited, but after the initial excitement wore off, that HS is not as great as it could be, and not by a little bit either. HT seems to be "rounding" their heads, and I am hoping against hope this will not be one of them, but proto pictures... I have a sad.

The face needs to be longer, for starters. It's just too round and chubby. The body is not good. I haven't seen a pic yet that indicates otherwise. :(

I just want this to be as good as is possible, and I don't think it's there yet.
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

Look at this pic for an example. The nose and jaw are clearly not long enough. They're all "smushed".

Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

Hmm that's tough to tell.

I have the original ones on my PS bash, bought from the MMS01 and the scratches/damage don't seem as white. Could be the flash though

I'm also not sure if the seam line is less apparent on the actual ones. I like that the studs are sculpted though

I understood what you meant. :)

I'm a stickler for historical/archaeological accuracy when it comes to Roman figures. But even then, a new find can turn up and throw everything back into the melting pot again! :gah:

I can understand it's the same thing when somebody knows every frame of a film backwards. They'll know something's wrong on a figure and it might eat away at them while the casual observer will merely overlook it.

And now I'm intrigued, here are some photos of the boots. They're not really so shiny, but I had to turn the flash on.

I would say they were probably bootlegs based on your earlier post.

I bought figure with the MMS136 bloody head; jacket; shirt; .45 Longslide; Uzi; Ithaca 37 and hands. The combats weren't Hot Toys. He was also on a Royce TTM19 which became apparent was far too diminutive!
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

Hmm that's tough to tell.

I have the original ones on my PS bash, bought from the MMS01 and the scratches/damage don't seem as white. Could be the flash though

I'm also not sure if the seam line is less apparent on the actual ones. I like that the studs are sculpted though
i have 2 original and 5 "fake".
may be i could tell the difference right after i bought "fake". today i cannot. they are similar )
though "fake" might look a little glossier and on the other hand more scratched. but really "a little" and "might".
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

You can only really tell when the figure lines up at the same angles as the still. If the figure's head was lowered slightly it might form up better.

The main concern I have with Hot Toys' heads is the scale of them.

Whenever I look at both the DX13 sculpts I instantly think they're too big, even on the TTM20. It might be that the older sculpts were too small, and that I've become used to them.

I placed one of the DX13s on the smaller TTM19 just to gain an impression...and the impression I got was that it was starting to resemble an old Sideshow 'bobble-headed' figure.

Placing a DX13 head next to the MMS136 shows a remarkable difference, especially in the size of their respective ears.

I respectfully disagree. One image is mirrored, but they are at a similar angle. I couldn't be bothered mirroring and hosting a new one of Arnie IRL, but I'm sure someone will.

I reckon definitely smushed.
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

It's really not that hard to dry brush some gray and brown paint on the boots.

That goes the same for the pants.

People need to relax and not be so nitpicky.

Just be happy that hot toys came back to this license and gave us this. Just remember we're getting 2 led light up headsculpts
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

It's really not that hard to dry brush some gray and brown paint on the boots.

That goes the same for the pants.

People need to relax and not be so nitpicky.

Just be happy that hot toys came back to this license and gave us this. Just remember we're getting 2 led light up headsculpts
amen ! I agree.
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

I think you, and others, are looking at this figure through the first blush of love. I deliberately refrained from posting until at least 3-4 days after announcement for that reason. Excitement is the enemy of rationality.

At first, I was excited, but after the initial excitement wore off, that HS is not as great as it could be, and not by a little bit either. HT seems to be "rounding" their heads, and I am hoping against hope this will not be one of them, but proto pictures... I have a sad.

The face needs to be longer, for starters. It's just too round and chubby. The body is not good. I haven't seen a pic yet that indicates otherwise. :(

I just want this to be as good as is possible, and I don't think it's there yet.

Look at this pic for an example. The nose and jaw are clearly not long enough. They're all "smushed".


Well I said I'd stop talking about the sculpt if I didn't have a concrete idea myself about what was wrong with it but since a number of people are saying the same thing it seems we might be onto something. The DX13 has the same 'rounded' issue we see here. Its definitely a thing with HT, thinking also of the new Loki and Wolverine sculpts.
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

The DX13 has the same 'rounded' issue we see here. Its definitely a thing with HT, thinking also of the new Loki and Wolverine sculpts.


could be that simple.
Re: Article: Hot Toys-The Terminator-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) Collectib

Here's a better comparison angle:

I agree that it can be stretched out a bit at the bridge of the nose and maybe the chin.

Or maybe the glasses just need to be pushed up a bit, who knows.