Hot Toys Tim Burton Batmobile

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Yea, till that option nose dives it into the floor.

Then you will become Mark Hamill.

Is that a prediction of things to come for those that screw their DX Luke to the ceiling? :lol
It's definitely something I don't want or need (I'll never display it that way) but it's nice to see Hot Toys' has an eye for such details. Didn't expect to see that nor any of the Returns features.

I'm guessing it's just a base and doesn't function inside the Batmobile like the real thing. I mean, how could that even work?
I really wished that stupid turn table thing had not been included and kept the price down. Now, it looks more like HT is putting out all the bells and whistles to justify a high price. C'mon HT let's see what the price is already!!
I'd be fine with everything we saw on display at the SDCC convention, plus

- The machine guns
- Electronic for the headlights and tail lights

- MAYBE the grapple

I appreciate most of the Returns features, but if they could keep prices down, I could live without them. This is the '89 Batmobile after all.
I really wished that stupid turn table thing had not been included and kept the price down. Now, it looks more like HT is putting out all the bells and whistles to justify a high price. C'mon HT let's see what the price is already!!
A plastic tube won't add but $5. Don't worry, Hot Toys was going to charge a laughable amount of money with or without the bells and whistles :)
The ultimate Batmobile encompassing both 89 and Returns features. Therefore, collectors who purchased 89 Bats or the inevitable Returns Bats has a workable car for either figure. It may not be 100% accurate for either movie version but can span both films in terms of a collectible.
I just hope it's no where near as much as what the Tumblers go for on the secondary market. If that's the case, I'd have to back out.

I could just see Hot Toys checking out prices for the Tumbler to try and match it for this Batmobile.

Not sure what my limit is, but if it's past $900-$1000 I'm out.
$700 and I might be out. I prefer not to speculate. I'll just wait and see what the price is when it goes up for pre-order and I'll make my decision from there.
Yep, and that's really all we can do. I'm going to remain optimistic. Like someone posted before, look at Luke Skywalker. People expected the worse in terms of price and it turned out to be only $300 for basically two, whole figures, two heads with PERS, two completely different outfits, a bunch of accessories, two bases and a big, clunky weather vane. Basically $150 a fig right there.

Hopefully this is similar.
I like the idea of having things from both movies in this mobile. Just gives me an excuse to get two, so I have one on hand for HT Returns figures.
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You're just chicken. Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep.

Items like this have been a long wait for us Burton Bats fan. Im going bat____ crazy spending on these. Bring it on!
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