Hot Toys Tim Burton Batmobile

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Well, the Batmobile is a part of their exclusive calendar (see Keaton Batman thread) along with all the upcoming products for 2012. I'd say we'll see the spec/pics and preorders real soon.
Am I remembering it right that the shield was drawn on, i.e. animated?

Yeah, watching the DVD, it's clear that the animation of the "shields" and "shields open" was stop motion / cell overlay (in BR it was cgi) but the cocoon itself was an actual tangible prop, I remember seeing set pictures of it.
I don't understand how the turntable can come out of the bottom, since it's right where Batman's legs would go were he sitting in it. So that piece is either a separate attachable thing or Batman's legs are removable and that's how he's able to sit in the car. Right?

I don't understand how the turntable can come out of the bottom, since it's right where Batman's legs would go were he sitting in it. So that piece is either a separate attachable thing or Batman's legs are removable and that's how he's able to sit in the car. Right?

Yeah, it's gotta be a separate piece that the cat just sits on top of.
GOOD LORD!!! This baby is so full of win its ____ing criminal!!! It cannot get up for preorder soon enough.
Hey all, I've been a long time reader but this is my first time posting. I figured I'd make this my first post as I wanted to contribute something useful to the community. I translated and summarized the magazine pages from a bilingual native speaker-reader perspective. I tried my best to both disseminate the article and present the relevant and useful information as concisely as possible.

I've personally been waiting for more information on the Batmobile and definitely plan on ordering it when it's made available. If there are any questions on the article or anything that I can help clarify, let me know.

Summary of Key Points of the Article:
1. The Batmobile will be "under 100,000 Yen" which would be $1,000.00 on a 100:1 exchange - about $1,200.00 at current rates. "Under" usually denotes "close to" in marketing terms. Since Batman (1989) is about 24,000 Yen and near 100:1 to the $240.00 US price, I'd say "under $1000.00" is a safe guess. I would speculate that it would be $800.00 to $900.00. I can't be certain as the article does not specify a Japanese price, but at this point it's a safe bet that it will be closer to $1000.00 than $500.00.

2. It's not exactly 1/6 scale, but about as close as they could get while balancing cost versus aesthetics. It seems they tried their best to do right by collectors, while keeping it feasible from a business standpoint. According to the article author, it still looks impressive in person and doesn't feel under-scaled. Were it true 1/6 scale, the Batmobile would have cost 20-30% more than what it will be sold for.

3. It will have all accessories pictured and will seat Batman comfortably, but does not state whether there will be light up features or not but I would speculate there will be, since they state the Batmobile is a step forward and compare it to the Tumbler often, which lights up.

4. They are doing Batman Returns in the future.

Summary of Page 32
[The first paragraph is mostly a standard introduction and marketing spiel, which I've skipped most of as it does not pertain to the Batmobile. When not in quotations, it is the author of the article speaking.]

With its fully detailed interior, the Batmobile represents a new evolution of scaled models and a new level of engineering on a 1/6 scale. The 1989 Batman franchise represents a large step forward for Hot Toys.

There must have been many who speculated that there would be a Batmobile produced in Hong Kong when we announced the Tim Burton Batman series.

Hot Toys Japan President Frank comments, "it's huge this time - just huge. If it were exactly 1/6 scale, it might be around two meters long fully packaged (laughing)."

It's about twice as large as the Tumbler. Because of this, it might've been too costly to make but Frank didn't give up. "To make it work, we made the rear a bit more compact relative to the scale, to make it a little slimmer. As a result however, we were able to reduce the price by about 20-30%. We were able to price it at under 100,000 Yen."

After hearing that, it does feel a tiny bit small upon closer examination. But not in an odd way - it doesn't detract from it. It's just clear how far Hot Toys have come by looking at it. As a company, Hot Toys was stretched to their limit but they pushed themselves to overcome the obstacles in producing this piece.


Summary of Page 33
[The captions in the image talk about the overall design, pop up machine guns, side fins, grapple hook, and "a jack like device deploys from under the seat to make u-turns." The u-turn device caption doesn't make it clear whether it's talking about the design of the Burton Batmobile or the actual Hot Toys product.]

[The final Paragraph is a marketing note from Frank]:

"The Tim Burton Batman series was the reason I got into the figure business. It was truly a dream come true when we started to do the Batman series. Still, there were many in the company who cried 'not again!' when we started talking about the Batmobile because of how difficult it was doing the Tumbler, haha.

Its bigger than the Tumbler but we just really didn't really think too hard about it - we just decided to go with it. Our efforts weren't for nought, and we were rewarded with an actual, marketable product. We really did stress a lot over the size throughout production.

We plan on continuing with the Batman series including Batman Returns so hope you all enjoy!"

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I don't understand how the turntable can come out of the bottom, since it's right where Batman's legs would go were he sitting in it. So that piece is either a separate attachable thing or Batman's legs are removable and that's how he's able to sit in the car. Right?

It's just a movie.

I wonder if they'll add this cocoon feature on this one. :cuckoo:

I hope so! :pray:

No matter, I'll get this no matter what! :yess:

Why would you want to cover up this awesome batmobile? :dunno
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