Hot Toys Tim Burton Batmobile

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When do you think this will be up for sale?

Yeah I'd like to know that to? I was suprised to see the Tumbler go up before this. I've been really tempted to buy the Tumbler though but I'm going to struggle to just display this & I definitely want this more :)
You would think they would wait a few weeks after the Tumbler
They're probably adding on features and elements of both movies in one maybe even a bat missile option which is why it's taking so long. Instead of having two batmobiles from each movie maybe they're making one ultimate batmobile that covers features from both possibly even the cocoon.
Yeah, I think it's that, the Tim Burton Batmobile will be an ultimate version with everything, I don't think they'd release such a simple car as what we see in the pics and if they did it would be $400 and out at the same time as the figures. I'm not getting it as I can't justify it but when I have Batman Returns Batman and Catwoman and the Batmobile is going for 5 times it's original price on ebay I'll regret not getting it I'm sure.
They're probably adding on features and elements of both movies in one maybe even a bat missile option which is why it's taking so long. Instead of having two batmobiles from each movie maybe they're making one ultimate batmobile that covers features from both possibly even the cocoon.

You mean a separate batmissle vehicle? I think that is likely with the Batman Returns license, but I don't think a transforming Batmobile to Batmissle is possible with any level of accuracy. I know the Kenner toy version did it, but that was way out of proportion, for BOTH versions of the vehicle, neither the Batmobile or Batmissle mode of the toy were scaled right.

Even the actual movie prop couldn't make it work. During the "transformation" the middle section of the canopy pops out and the whole thing gets condensed into a one-seater...but even if you account for that...the finished Batmissle prop has out-of-proportion corresponding parts to the Batmobile.

I have no doubt it will be done, but if HT is smart, it will be its own separate vehicle.
I hope they keep this simple piece of plastic simple without the stoopid cocoon and bat-missile crap and sell it lower price than the Tumbler!
I hope they keep this simple piece of plastic simple without the stoopid cocoon and bat-missile crap and sell it lower price than the Tumbler!


I don't need the "batmissile", I prefer the Batwing or Batboat.
Yeah I'd like to know that to? I was suprised to see the Tumbler go up before this. I've been really tempted to buy the Tumbler though but I'm going to struggle to just display this & I definitely want this more :)

That's the thing. If it wasn't for the '89 license I'd be all over the reissue tumbler, but this batmobile is far higher up on my wants list, so no tumbler for me.
That's the thing. If it wasn't for the '89 license I'd be all over the reissue tumbler, but this batmobile is far higher up on my wants list, so no tumbler for me.

Ditto...nostalgia from my childhood always trumps nostalgia from my adulthood when something is this price. I would've never imagined something of this magnitude and DX09 would ever exist when I was 11 years young and in awe of what was the 89 Batman movie.

I wish they had put up pre-orders for both at the same time.

As cool as the Tumbler is, it's not THE Batmobile. '89 is.

But hey, if this gives us a preview of the price tag, than I am all on board! Now take my money HT!
with space for only one i think i will have to go with the 89 batmobile since it is more iconic to me
I'll take a batmissile, cocoon, batwing, batboat. Bring it all on.

All I think about when people mention that other thing-

I hope they keep this simple piece of plastic simple without the stoopid cocoon and bat-missile crap and sell it lower price than the Tumbler!

That is wishfull thinking. Has one Hot Toys release ever been cheaper than a previous, similar, Hot Toys release?
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