Hot Toys Tim Burton Batmobile

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This is such a great observation and it's the trend many of us have noted in the last year. Companies like SSC and HT that used to have reasonable prices for their products are now sailing into Medicom territory. Bale Batman OC is a perfect example: a rerelease with a new head, a cheap balaclava, and a harness to inaccurately reproduce the "first night out" look (costume still has a huge bat-logo on the chest) for almost twice the price of the original. For SS, the SW Figrin D'an fig is a good example: $100 for a figure that should be no more than $60-$70 tops. Or the very basic Commander Bacara figure, $10 more than comparable Clone Commander figures that were released earlier this year and featured extra heads, hands, and accessories. We are paying the extra because these things are carrying the "high-end collectible" moniker. The problem is that we're looking at a troubled global economy, so these companies are playing with fire as to how much they can charge for non-essential collectible items. Many collectors will soon be priced out/oversaturated, and this latest action figure collecting bubble will burst. It's happened before with the (much lesser) recession of 2001; people cut the frills when they are hit in the wallet. Let's see what happens.

:lecture You have hit the nail on the head when it comes to my feelings toward collecting in the future. I've only been collecting 1/6 stuff for close to 3 years now and the price trends are just staggering compared to most other things.
HT will have the Tumbler and Batpod out next summer to capitalize on release of the new movie- they will not miss this timing!!

Right...just like they released Iron Man 2, Captain America and Thor in time for their movie release. HT is known for releasing after the movie is out.
Maybe they're not allowed to compete with companies like Hasbro that sell millions of toys and, consequently, pay a hefty licensing fee. That could be one of the reasons why HT figures aren't available until the movie is already old news.
Maybe they're not allowed to compete with companies like Hasbro that sell millions of toys and, consequently, pay a hefty licensing fee. That could be one of the reasons why HT figures aren't available until the movie is already old news.
no, it's got more to do with incensing, and qc, as well as develpoment.

high end products take longer to produce than mass-produced toys.
Yeah,if it s something im interested in and Hot Toys make it Im afraid I have to have it!!

The original "fool and his money..."
Maybe they're not allowed to compete with companies like Hasbro that sell millions of toys and, consequently, pay a hefty licensing fee. That could be one of the reasons why HT figures aren't available until the movie is already old news.
Actually I think they've just learned their lesson that it's better to hold the release until after the movie comes out because they're often working from outdated, inaccurate or simply unavailable reference material. The last time they tried to release a figure alongside the film we ended up with this monstrosity:


Even if they announce a figure alongside the film's release, that gives them time to make improvements and corrections before the figure ships. War Machine is a great example of that; they added the booster rockets and the "Ex-wife".
The last time they tried to release a figure alongside the film we ended up with this monstrosity:


It still boggles my mind how they got it so wrong on the V1. I mean it was known that ledger was playing the joker, wasn't it? And his look didn't change dramatically, if at all, between those initial teaser shots and the actual film did it? Yet that headsculpt bore only the most basic resemblance, green hair and white face.
Seriously, the more I think about it the more upset I am by the notion of the Hot Toys Batmobile costing $800. This freakin' kid's car is 2-3 times larger, is no less complex in terms of parts and assembly (because the Batmobile is one big block of plastic on wheels), has a working radio and actually freakin' drives for $189. And it's also officially licensed so there are fees associated there as well. You all may think I'm crazy comparing some child toy to a "high end collectible", but when you break it down to what money actually buys in terms of materials, assembly, labor etc what justification is there really? This isn't like one of their 1:6 scale figures where there's hundreds of little parts, clothes that have to be hand-sewn, faces hand-painted, etc - it's just a big brick of unpainted black plastic with a dozen parts glued on. Hell, it'll probably be the cheapest thing they've ever made in terms of labor costs, and as you can see plastic really doesn't cost that much.


$189 (kid sold separately)


$800+ (because Hot Toys says so)

:goodpost: Your logic is undeniable! It really helps put things into perspective. Another way to see this is that I could go away for a week to nice 4/5 star all inclusive resort for the price of Batmobile + DX Batman + DX Joker.

If it ever comes down to having to choose between the two, I'll take this over a couple of toys any day of the week!

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No doubt prices are becoming absolutely crazy! TO be honest HT will charge $800 or $700 or whatever it is because they CAN.

They have a monopoly over high end 1/6 collectibles and even moreso over vehicles which noone is setup to produce in this scale.

They will continue to hike their prices until customers are literally unable to pay. They are fast headed in that direction
Agreed w/ void. Nobody is making collectibles like this so there is no standard of price. It it comes in on the $600/700 range then I'm still in. $800 and I may be out.
I will probably have the money to spend, but at $700+ it better have a cocoon or batcave display base or both. If there's nothing else to it I can't see myself spending that kind of money.

Does anyone know what is so special about the $2K Toynami Batmobile. That thing seems way overpriced to me.
I'm just glad I'm not the only one who thought it was a giant block of plastic. SMH hot toys.
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