Single jointed knees/elbows on such a pivotal character is absolute bull$#!7

When the suit fully covers the joints, at these prices theres no excuse. wtf are we paying for ?! They keep removing features that should be standard.
We didn't b!tc# loud enough with the Armorer. "Oh its a Toyfair exclusive" "They rushed it out the door" "the character's not combat oriented" Well Bo Katan is heavily combat focused and they had an eternity to work on it. This is not ok. Theres no justification for this beyond cost cutting. This is a detriment to the functionality of the product. I could see them trying to make this standard across the board now. Koska Reeves better not have this same body.
I keep going back to that plastic hood on Moonknight.

That was the canary in the coal mine. They keep cheaping out, a little here, a little there, raise the price. These are supposed to be premium high end collectibles. Articulation matters. Materials matter. When it gets to the point HT can't surpass the poseability/feel of a Hasbro figure, what are we paying for? For what they charge, we shouldn't have to do a body swap. If its even possible to remove the costume without destroying it. We shouldn't have to pay for a replacement body.