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Good point.

Must admit, I would be all over a 1/6 Burton Batmobile. I could pass on the Tumbler, but not that bad boy.


I would sell 1/2 of my collection if I had to in order to get one. Would be epic!

Is it too much to ask for a Batwing as well?!? :monkey3
Must admit, I would be all over a 1/6 Burton Batmobile. I could pass on the Tumbler, but not that bad boy.

I don't think I could either. I passed on the Tumbler because while impressive I was meh about finding space for it but the 89' Batmobile that thing was a slice of my childhood and I had that toy and played with it until the wheels snapped. I would love it.

I really hope that they redo the HS on Indy. Everyone is very excited here that they're finally getting an HT Indy but the likeness is really off.

Everyone has these moments were they don't see the "off likeness", people had it with Tony Stark, John Connor, Jack Sparrow, etc. I think it looks great and don't get all the "hate".

Harlock ....guess there had to be one weird chinese license.

I called a license people would _____ about. Technically the license is Japanese.

Gonna be expensive...

That is the understatement of the year here.

I guess I'd get Avatar too, but only if they're in scale. Hoping one of the next announcements is sw...

Search the forum, the proto is posted (unpainted) they ARE in scale.

why chinese ? and why would you think it is weird ?. They have to cater to their asian market also, it'll be stupid if they didn't.

I'm guessing Chinese came from the fact HT is in Hong Kong. The thing people don't realize is that Harlock first appeared in 1953. Then had his own show in the 70s, its a classic cartoon/manga. Medicom even hit this well because of the cult following. One of my cousins went ape____ when I told him that HT was doing this. This license is older than I am so I'm not surprised that people aren't as enthuastic for it.
Remember guys today wasn't a day for fans to come to be shocked and awed, it was more for press and head honchos/ big names to attend to. Tomorrow(already the 25th in Tokyo) will be the full reveal and I bet a hell of a reveal day. Fans asked for Reeve Superman, not the executives or press, I have a feeling they're saving the Man of Steel for the people who asked for him which is the fans.
why chinese ? and why would you think it is weird ?. They have to cater to their asian market also, it'll be stupid if they didn't.

It's good to see them branch out. I've yet to buy my first HT figure because I'm not all that into "flavor of the month" type movie properties.

Now with the '89 Batman and MGS licenses, I know HT is serious about reaching out to customers like me. That they once in a while cater to the markets in their region shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.
Photos taken from OSW posts:
I was kinda hoping for a MGS Ninja! :mad: But I'll take BOTH the MK Batman & JN Joker! :yess:

it's a double-edged sword. in one hand ht's finally doing mgs, but in the other it's not the one, one wants. but overall good news. lol :lol
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No one is being forced to buy these figures, and even though it sucks that we're not being offered them (at least not yet), they are only action figures. Not worth the stress. Even if one sells for $1000, when the hype dies down, the price will drop.
There's supposed to be 10 licenses shown right? 4 more to reveal!

3.Sucker Punch
4.1989 Batman
5.Captain America
6.Captain Harlock

Not sure if Indy counts since they officially announced it prior to this event.
Photos taken from OSW posts:
I was kinda hoping for a MGS Ninja! :mad: But I'll take BOTH the MK Batman & JN Joker! :yess:

Pics of Big Boss and the Boss,if those are the first two they will make i will go crazy,it really would be a dream come true for me.
The "Tokyo Expo Show" opens in 1/2 hour to the public!!!!!! Hope to see some pictures in a few hours from the people at the show. What do you think. Anyone think we will see Superman or Captain Jack or any other surprises? Man I can not wait for some High-Res Pics.