I nearly pulled the trigger on this today, my intention was (like others have done) to have a line of Cap's showing the evolution of the costume, but then I realised taht I'd just be right back in an other Iron Man situation where I have to get the next one to complete the set
And I got myself out fo that by selling all but the MK7 and 5
I just need to remain strong and RESIST!
I have the MKI to MKVII, and the Midas. And absolutely ZERO desire for the WM MKII, IP, MK42 or any of the others. I appreciate that they were going for an Iron Legion, but i have neither the spare money or the desire for three detolfs of IM suits. I feel that would make each one less in my eyes by having so many.
If you have a few IM suits you like but aren't getting every one, that's fair enough.
It's the same with Cap.
I have reasonable custom of the Golden Age Cap that i made a while back.
I have a couple of other custom looks too. I don't *have* to buy them all.
So, if you like this one at £102.99(Including postage), then get it.
It will never be any cheaper than it is now.
If you don't want it, then pass.
I think it's cool. It gives us an older comic book look(While still being tongue in cheek), and also gives us the "crummy suit" they put him in to sell war bonds and do those cheesy movies.
I am glad ToyHQ gave us the chance to get this one so cheap and i am glad i never paid full retail for it.