I'm cool with having a Robocop non Diecast with a unmasked head for under $300.
What on earth is that thing!?
I can understand the idea of HT economizing, by making a "one size fits all" release - but that would hardly be an accurate figure in the end. Folks want movie accurate figures, but also want economy.
At first I wanted the Murphy sculpt included too, but yeah - like the MMS117 & DX13 Arnolds, there's more than enough justification for two versions - the film speaks for itself!!!
Now whether I can afford both RoboCop figures is another story.. but with the gimmicks on the current figure not appealing to me - plus that ugly base, hopefully Act3 RoboMurphy is going to be a great version to own.![]()
As far as I'm concerned, it's GOOD they're doing separate figures. Each version can have it's own appropriate attention to detail etc, resulting in a far better outcome.![]()
Looking forward to seeing it. Can't add to the debate since I'm just a casual Robocop fan.
If I could have everything that's included in the MMS203 plus more battle-damaged parts plus an unmasked second head - all for the same $299 - then yes please I'd take that. But I have to assume Hot Toys is no longer willing to give us that much bang for the buck. And if the damage is going to be as extensive as I imagine it (like movie promo Mark VII) then it makes sense to save the unmasked head for that one so that it's more than just a repaint.
Maybe it's true they weren't able to get Peter Weller's approval so that's why there isn't a headsculpt included in the the two Robocops that came out. Maybe this is a headsculpt for Robocop 3 or Robocop the TV show:
Agreed completely Vintij!.
It's just awesome they've finally pulled their finger out!!!
I know you're a pretty committed fan a-dev, but I'd like to consider myself a big RoboCop fan too, so I'd love the iconic clean 'helmet on' version - as well as the 'on the run' RoboMurphy.
It's just a shame about the gimmicks they've went with for the current PO figure.
See - that, I'm completely fine with. It'll literally be a scaled analogue of the in film robot - same premise. A big chunky chassis like Ed's can house / conceal the sound thing seamlessly too, so I think that'll work really well.The sound chips are the new aspect but I'd be lying if I said I didn't care to have an ED-209 'figure' who can say his lines from the film.
Y'know, recently, as little as a few weeks ago I thought I wasn't so much of a Robocop fan as to need any high end figures at all. Of course, as soon as HT showed their cards that changed straight away..
Y'know, recently, as little as a few weeks ago I thought I wasn't so much of a Robocop fan as to need any high end figures at all. Of course, as soon as HT showed their cards that changed straight away.
As long as the second version doesn't have everything the first version has, and more, then I am OK. The d ick move is to offer one version, and then 2 days later announce a second version that will have everything the first version has, and more.