Here's the way I see it. If they make a third MMS, that has the unmasked Robo, I don't care. I wouldn't use it anyway, though it would be cool for that first box opening. If they make a third one that's a DX, I'm going to be pissed because those always have all the little extras that add value to a figure.
I wasn't collecting when they did that with the Dark Knight Joker, but I though it was a ****ty thing to do to collectors when I first saw it, and it still is today. Release a DX or release it as MMS, but don't do both, and especially not the MMS first. You just piss your customers off, because most if not almost all of them would have opted for the DX if they knew it was coming.
I have paid a NRD and used reward points, so I'll be screwed in the instance they do a DX, because I will not be able to buy two of these.