well nobody talks on her thread at all I talked and no one replyes so I got most of my answer solved here so can you do me that one favour
Has anyone posted pictures of Chris Redfield with the Jacket on?
Great, has anyone done any customs on the chris redfield body. It irritates me that hot toys never makes the the videogame figure look realistic. Not skin texture at all. The Leonidas 300 body looks suitable for the BSAA chris.
Actually ... why not the new T-800 body just released by HT.. It has texture and also another Arnold body, they have them for 149.99 usd,
Thanks, but shipping cost is too much to the US. Looks like they just have 1 left.
Thanks, but shipping cost is too much to the US. Looks like they just have 1 left.
oh i guess, never thought about it, shipping up here in canada is cheap from them, maybe try echobase toys? worth a shot, and if its over $100 they ship free