Why are you complaining? It was an afterthought. They included it with STARS Chris instead of not making one at all. You can get them loose on ebay and elsewhere if you really want it that bad and not STARS Chris too.
Frankly I hope they do it more. How cool would it be to have HT include a Mark II helmet with Rhodey in it with the War Machine figure? That would allow us to have an Iron Man 2 version of the Mark II without them milking the line by rereleasing it with a Rhodey head.
I'm considering selling or trading the Safari shirt that came with Stars chris, would anyone be interested?
Just picked up this guy at gohastings for $119.30!!! If I had had just $60 more I would have gotten the DX Batman at BBTS instead but for this price, you can't beat it plus BSAA Chris was high on my "must buy" list anyways!
I got both Chris and Sheva from the gohastings sale as well as a DX Batman. If I had more money, I'd have gotten some others as well. I still need to purchase a STARS Chris and I'll have every Hot Toys Resident Evil figure when I get him.