just bought the guy
looks great ... only not really convinced by the arms... the don't look like they are totally in proportion. But he stands great with my sheva and wesker (midnight vs. (best RE5 figure
Got my BSAA Chris today. My f'n God it's a ______ to try put on all the little pouches and stuff on his belt especially since I have big fingers. Even worse the clip on the little compass thing the goes on the front of the belt broke off. I was also quite suprized how sticky the rubber arms feel. Overall the figure is nice but man trying to assemble all the accessories on the belt is frusterating as hell and I'm still pissed the little clip on the compass broke!
Lol yeah. I should have thought of that. Thanks Val!
Need some help guys if you woul be so kind. Does anyone have a pic of the back of the kinda square piece of the radio headset that connects the radio and earpiece? Reason I'm asking is I cant get that peice to stay on the shoulder harness and I think there may have been a clip piece that broke off.
Thanks again VAL. I found the clip thing but in the pic you posted, it looks like there's some kind of "pouch" the clip goes into and I can't seem to find that piece. Also I didn't even notice untill about 30mins ago but the BSAA logo on the sleeves are held on by an adhesive. Has anyone else had problems with them falling off or not staying in place?
Looks pretty good. Sorry to hear about that damage though. You don't by any chance have a pic of him next to Wesker (or blade) do ya? I'd hate for my Chris to be taller then Wesker (OCD)
Looks pretty good!,..... However the skin tone of chris headsculp is different and darker than the "pale" T800 body.