Hot Toys working on an Iron Monger?

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It would also be a shelf hog!

Thats some shelf.

:slap Please check the title yourself as Iron Monger was included in the Unveiling of New Products:!/album.php?aid=257960&id=58690437343

Nuff said..:pfft:

By the way... has the public chatting been removed from Hot Toys Facebook page? I see no filter drop down... Hot Toys, Just Fans, Hot Toys & Fans that use to be listed.

Good if it has. No bombardment of requests and photo spam. Hot Toys news only.
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:slap Please check the title yourself as Iron Monger was included in the Unveiling of New Products:!/album.php?aid=257960&id=58690437343

Nuff said..:pfft:

no, not really. HT doesn't have a history of showing unpainted, unfinished prototypes of coming products. They prefer NOT to show anything until it's at-least painted ( see the superman thread for a good example) . Just because that's the title of the album, on a website from a company who's PR department has a history of bad english translations, I'll not take it as fact. Show me where it specifically says HT Iron monger is being released. Also, I find it Really odd that HT themselves have not made a bigger deal out of it, if it is infact coming.
no, not really. HT doesn't have a history of showing unpainted, unfinished prototypes of coming products. They prefer NOT to show anything until it's at-least painted ( see the superman thread for a good example) . Just because that's the title of the album, on a website from a company who's PR department has a history of bad english translations, I'll not take it as fact. Show me where it specifically says HT Iron monger is being released. Also, I find it Really odd that HT themselves have not made a bigger deal out of it, if it is infact coming.

There's a first time for everyone right? :cuckoo: Also, isn't that album come from a OFFICIAL FB page of HT?! Of course everything that was posted there by the MOD of that page are all true. Plus if I remember correctly, we did see Thor for the 1st time & was shocked when we see a figure of Hemsworth in that 10th anniv event even before they announce that they'll be getting the Thor license & make a figure of Thor & Odin right? :dunno Hayyy :thud:
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:slap Please check the title yourself as Iron Monger was included in the Unveiling of New Products:!/album.php?aid=257960&id=58690437343

Nuff said..:pfft:

well, all i was saying is the INITIAL link you posted was simply to a picture, in no way claiming to ANNOUNCE the release of this figure. your second is a little more promising, but again, its just the name of a FB album. my facebook says im engaged, but thats bull, its JUST facebook.

i believe this will come out too. im just saying, youre jumping the gun a little CLAIMING it was announced. it wasnt, plain and simple.
I can see the top opening and half a Stane being in there. Not a full figure, but at least a reveal. That's HT's level of detail for ya.
well, all i was saying is the INITIAL link you posted was simply to a picture, in no way claiming to ANNOUNCE the release of this figure. your second is a little more promising, but again, its just the name of a FB album. my facebook says im engaged, but thats bull, its JUST facebook.

i believe this will come out too. im just saying, youre jumping the gun a little CLAIMING it was announced. it wasnt, plain and simple.

Just like what I said in my last post, isn't that FB page the OFFICIAL FB page of HT??!! :cuckoo: Of course, everthing that was posted there (albums, announcement, etc.) by the MODS of that page are also official..and it should be. Ok, this is turning into a nonesense argument so I'm gonna make this my last post for this argument..cause even if you/I believe it or not, they're gonna make or should I say already working on this figure..done. :peace
Just like what I said in my last post, isn't that FB page the OFFICIAL FB page of HT??!! :cuckoo: Of course, everthing that was posted there (albums, announcement, etc.) by the MODS of that page are also official..and it should be. Ok, this is turning into a nonesense argument so I'm gonna make this my last post for this argument..cause even if you/I believe it or not, they're gonna make or should I say already working on this figure..done. :peace

:goodpost:Jay, you are right. Hot Toys has given us every reason to know that this is in the works. If it is pulled, then it is pulled. But, until Hot Toys says different we should all be planning on making room for this monsterous guy. :yess:
i agree, they have given us every reason to think so. all im saying is there was no announcement, you CANt argue that.
they also said superman was coming out this winter. winter is over. so not everything on facebook is solid truth man.
i believe it will come out as well. but if years go by and it hasnt been made i dont think they can be called liars for naming a photo album on facebook a certain title.
but ill drop it, sorry to keep it going. hope to see it as well!

it looks small in those pics, which would suck.
well, all i was saying is the INITIAL link you posted was simply to a picture, in no way claiming to ANNOUNCE the release of this figure. your second is a little more promising, but again, its just the name of a FB album. my facebook says im engaged, but thats bull, its JUST facebook.

i believe this will come out too. im just saying, youre jumping the gun a little CLAIMING it was announced. it wasnt, plain and simple.


:goodpost:Jay, you are right. Hot Toys has given us every reason to know that this is in the works. If it is pulled, then it is pulled. But, until Hot Toys says different we should all be planning on making room for this monsterous guy. :yess:

I'll take JC Hongs word on it that the project was abandoned. you'd think the prototype would have been painted in the two years since it was made. just a thought.

Just like the alien queen they never released, right?

Bah. if they make it, they make it. And kick ass. Just don't want to get hopes up to see something cool.

But then, every little girl who plays with dollies wants to see a unicorn, right? :lol
I dug out the BD MKIII yesterday as I've got it all boxed up. It actually ain't that bad when I look at it. Think I'll keep it if this finally gets announced officially as definitely released.
Also got MKI which is a keeper and MKII. Anyone have an idea what the going rate is for a MKII??
I dug out the BD MKIII yesterday as I've got it all boxed up. It actually ain't that bad when I look at it. Think I'll keep it if this finally gets announced officially as definitely released.
Also got MKI which is a keeper and MKII. Anyone have an idea what the going rate is for a MKII??
It's going for $200, but because you're a great guy, I'll give you $350. Deal? :duff
It's going for $200, but because you're a great guy, I'll give you $350. Deal? :duff

:1-1: Just went on eBay...looks like those crazy kids on there are selling it BIN between $600-$1000 :horror

I like you's yours for $550.00 :)
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