This looks like a great figure to make a custom trask.
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Future Wolverine has the highest chance of getting made and I'm totally fine with that. I want First Class versions of Professor X and Magneto!
I wonder how many X-Men films have to be ignored ( This is the 7th. And don't bother mentioning the 3 Wolverines made ) by Hot Toys for people to stop playing make believe about getting figures from this franchise?
I'm becoming increasingly doubtful we will see anything from this movie...
I think we'll see at least Fassneto and Charles, in one of Howard's interviews last year he alluded to releasing something around the time of the movie.
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Welcome to the party......sad reality is sinking in![]()
Totally not ok because this was a worthy x men movie
Totally agree......I lost hope for a deep dive into the film. I still hope for 1-3 figs however, the longer it goes without an announcement the less likely I believe anything is coming..... Booger...
It'd be a huge miss for them in my opinion if they made nothing
I don't buy any argument that someone at Marvel is actively denying toy companies the rights to make figures from these movies, or would provide hurdles toward that end. If there was money to be made, it would be. Diamond was able to get the rights to do a Mystique Select figure and a wave of Minimates, so the rights were available for companies interested in pursuing them. But Diamond only investing in one Select figure tells you something. And it wouldn't make a lot of sense for Marvel proper to try and restrict merchandising from this, yet fully embrace merchandising from Spider-Man would it? Add to this the fact that HT was able to get figures from the Wolverine, X3, and Wolverine: Origins.
The only conclusion I can draw is that this franchise isn't perceived to be a big hit in the merchandising department. X-Men First Class only had Minimate figures produced, and they eventually went on clearance.