Does anyone else think that the Power Girl photo is bizarre? Nothing against her, she's someone's type, it's just the pic itself. It's like I can look right at it but I can't see it. It's like a caricature of a caricature of her,... I'm really wierded out by it. This is the first time in my life I have liked and not liked something in mathematically perfect equal amounts, and the end result is that it cancels itself out in my brain. My eyes see it, but my brain won't allow any conclusions to be drawn one way of the other about it. I was aroused before it, but now I'm just afraid. I am going to have it tatooed onto the lenses of my eyes.
Its not just you, I was also weirded out. Probably because she doesn't make a good Powergirl that's why something just doesn't add up. Her tits are too big and floppy like Droopy Dogs ears and the belly is just flabby. She has an older ladies shape and plus her face is too plain Jane and just not good. Now if this girl was at a club then I'm sure lots of guys would like her; however, in a Powergirl outfit she just doesn't fit the part. By the way I'm speaking for myself and my tastes.
I have always wondered if those beautiful women are really fans of this stuff or are just at the Con to tease all the fanboys and in their minds thinking, "You'll never get this, you'll never get this."
It seems possible to me that some of these girls are paid to be there.
Goal: get nerds to turn out in droves.
Solution: add hot girls with their junk showing
This seems more likely to me than a hot girl sitting around with nothing to do and not getting the attention she wants, and then deciding to go all out with a costume. I'm sure it happens but it sounds alot like a phone chat commercial where the girls is all dressed up for a night on the phone:
I have always wondered if those beautiful women are really fans of this stuff or are just at the Con to tease all the fanboys and in their minds thinking, "You'll never get this, you'll never get this."
Where's the hot men's thread?![]()