Yep that's how it works where I live. However, the people in rural areas are not paying taxes for those services. All they are required to do is pay a $75 fee. I would imagine if they were to pay taxes for these services that the taxes alone would be far more significant than $75.
This will be of small consolation to you, but those animals would have been long dead before firefighters ever arrived seeing as this was a volunteer dept. with the response times being significantly longer than that of full-time dept's. As for burning alive, that is simply not true. It is the smoke that kills both humans and animals alike, not the fire itself. They would have succumbed to the toxic smoke, perhaps even within seconds of breathing it in. And they would not have been located near windows or doorways. They would have panicked and tried to find a safe hiding place, usually in a closet, under a bed, etc......
You haven't explained your position at all.I clearly justified my position. You just to choose to not accept the facts. I'm not sure why? Why?
Nothing anyone says is gonna be a rational justification to you since you have already made up your mind about the situation. And the same for Badmoon and others who share that opinion.
Yeah, I posted it a couple pages back.
No I haven't. Then again I said "plenty" in the media were siding with this clown not "all". I don't agree with some individuals at Fox if they were making fun of this guy, but if they were the only ones portraying him as the irresponsible idiot he is then kudos to them for actually reporting the news responsibly. It sure beats listening to some of the bleeding heart liberals at CCN who painted this guy as an innocent victim in this mess.
And please, instead of accusing Fox of painting this guy as a dummy because he's from the south why don't you remove those rose-coloured glasses of your's and join the rest of us in the real world. I saw this guy being interviewed on TV and to say he's a "few short of a six pack" is an understatement. If Fox portrayed him as a dummy it's because he is a dummy, not because of where he's from. Quite frankly, the only thing this guy did that even remotely hinted to the existance of intelligent life was to not risk his own life trying to save his pets.
The remarks of some people never cease to amaze me. I'd love to know how many of these "computer lions" have the slightest clue what they're talking about. As hard as it might be for some people to accept, the fires you see in movies like Backdraft and Ladder 49 are not even remotely close to what happens in real life. Here's the only thing I do know about these brave individuals....within seconds of entering a "fully involved" structure the first thing they'd realize is they might as well just close their eyes because they wouldn't be able to see 1 inch in front of their faces. They'd be able to hear the fire, and feel the heat [the intensity of which they'd never even remotely experienced before], but they wouldn't be able to see it until they were almost right on top of it. Right about then, they'd turn around while peeing themselves, and start crying for their mommies while running for the front door, which hopefully for their sake they'll be able to locate.
Good find BadMoon!, I hadn't seen that before. This guy really is starting to sound stupider by the minute...if that's even humanly possible. I'm actually astounded that after all the info that's come out in the past fews days anyone could be stupid enough to try and defend this guy and his actions, or rather lack of actions.
This will be of small consolation to you, but those animals would have been long dead before firefighters ever arrived seeing as this was a volunteer dept. with the response times being significantly longer than that of full-time dept's. As for burning alive, that is simply not true. It is the smoke that kills both humans and animals alike, not the fire itself. They would have succumbed to the toxic smoke, perhaps even within seconds of breathing it in. And they would not have been located near windows or doorways. They would have panicked and tried to find a safe hiding place, usually in a closet, under a bed, etc......
It appears from the comments of a few select individiuals around here this moron in South Fulton doesn't own an exclusive rights clause where stupidity is concerned. Hopefully, if Fox News interviews these two clowns they'll portray them as idiots because that's what they are, and not just because they live in SoCal and Singapore....![]() posted irrelevant information like everyone else on that side of the debate.
Ah, okay. Now it makes sense. You're crazy. You've taken the "the health of the firefighters is irrelevant" side of the debate. I won't waste any more of your time then. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
His son was allowed to pay his fee the following I believe is acceptible...and I feel that he should have been allowed the same courtesy.
This is what I disagree with. The FD never should have let the house burn down, but the homeowner also shouldn't just be allowed to pay the $75.00 the next day. They should be billed for whatever the actual cost would be or a predetermined fine as some people here have already suggested. If you could just pay the fee whenever, you really have no incentive to pay the $75.00 in the first place. There has to be some consequence for not paying your fees.
Meatys gay.![]()
STFU Chase before I give you a fresh one.
This is what I disagree with. The FD never should have let the house burn down, but the homeowner also shouldn't just be allowed to pay the $75.00 the next day. They should be billed for whatever the actual cost would be or a predetermined fine as some people here have already suggested. If you could just pay the fee whenever, you really have no incentive to pay the $75.00 in the first place. There has to be some consequence for not paying your fees.
It's no exaggeration. Again LOOK IT UP. That's what WOULD happen. Taxes would be increased. I also hope you will be first in line to give this clown donations to rebuild. Again if he didn't have the foresight to pay a $75 fee I doubt he had enough smarts to insure his home and belongings.
Please tell me that you are not one that believes things like schooling, law enforcement, road services, and such are all free services brought to you be keebler elves?
The point is the money comes from bill and tax payers. You don't want to pay then you don't get to play.
So what is your justification that they should have put it out? Because they are human and just should?![]()
Well if there is going to be a fine for people who don't pay the fee and then need the service, that is a policy change that they will need to make. As of now, it states in their policy that the South Fulton fire dept does not respond to fires if you have not paid the fee and they did not show up to the scene until there was a risk that it could go into the neighbor's property. I think at that time, their house was already pretty burned. It is sad that it usually takes horrible events like this to happen for people to demand change or for people to realize how precious these services are that they need to be funded.
Also I don't believe the guys house should have burnt down.
All they are required to do is pay a $75 fee. I would imagine if they were to pay taxes for these services that the taxes alone would be far more significant than $75.
So what is your justification that they should have put it out? Because they are human and just should?![]()
We should all stop paying our bills.![]()
I'd pay the $75 in a heartbeat if it meant not having to pay property taxes.
Probably would be cheaper and yes they do suck. Especially since I have to pay to live on land I already ownWTF!?!?!?
I was born human, doesnt that entitle to live on my own land for free![]()
I bet if we had a road bill, a fire bill, a school bill, and they were all voluntary, based on whether or not you wanted the service, we wouldn't have to pay a fraction of what we pay now.
It wouldn't surprise me if the services were more reliable, and of higher quality too. Taxes suck.